Tuesday, 30 December 2008
Christmas Week
Monday, 22 December 2008
Bad News

Thursday, 18 December 2008
Do we Really Need Skin?
I ran with Nige Porter (fellow RAF Triathlete) for much of the race. Nige's running has improved immensely and he was going well on the hills. On the 3rd lap of 3 I put a dig in to try and catch Clive Wintrip ahead of me. By doing this I managed to drop Nige, but it won't be long before he is leaving me behind. I did catch Clive just before the finish line but I had to work for it!
When I had finished I felt a stinging sensation on my heel. Mmmmm, I thought. i may have a little blister there. Upon looking down, this is what I saw. . . .
So bloggers, do we really need skin?!
I managed to get my bike shoes on today but will I be able to run tomorrow?
I have my 5th swim session at swimshack on Monday. I am looking forward to this as my drills have been going really well. The anticipation of getting faster in the H2O is something that I have not really experienced before. Full report to follow.
Sunday, 14 December 2008
Blown Legs and Mud
Thursday, 11 December 2008
Blog Layout and Other Stuff

Friday, 5 December 2008
Slowly Does It...
Next week's training will be disrupted as I am away with work for the first part of the week. This is probably a good thing as I will not beast my self too much trying to make up for lost training - which is always a pointless exercise!
I managed to finalise 'Triangles' this week, the news magazine of RAF Triathlon that I now publish. It has been distributed across the RAF Triathlon community and beyond and I will try and get a link placed here on my Blog this weekend. It was great fun creating and I have already started to create the next edition. Any bloggers out there who wish to submit an article please email me at deputychairman@raftri.org.uk It would be great to receive anything! Topics such as training articles, equipment reviews, experiences...etc are all needed!
Have a great weekend training!
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
Still sick 8-(
All the rain we have been having has seen me create a true winter training bike for the first time. I have managed to get my Giant OCR 3 back on the road. It needed new cables, a new front ring shifter and bar tape – as well as some tlc on all moving parts! I also fitted some race blade mudguards; I am very impressed with these. The only thing I don’t like is the lack of aero bars! However, the St Ives roadies don’t like me using them, even when they suck my wheel for miles!
Christmas is coming!! What will Santa bring you bloggers? I am hoping for some nice new Endura overboots.
Train well
Friday, 28 November 2008

Tuesday, 25 November 2008
Frostbite? Not Any More!
Monday, 24 November 2008
Weather Blues!

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Monday, 17 November 2008
Eureka Moments

Friday, 14 November 2008
Training Moves On!

Wednesday, 12 November 2008
Henlow 10
Friday, 7 November 2008
Cadence is Slow!
In a previous post I mentioned that I have taken to pushing a bigger gear at a low cadence. Today was the same. I felt much better pushing out 85 rpm in a bigger gear. Not sure if this is good or bad. Maybe by the summer I will need a larger chain ring! Incidentally, did anyone else see the article in last week’s Cycling Weekly about the guy who uses a 72 tooth chain ring!! His bike must look like it is carrying a spare wheel on the side! Anyway, I am now in search of a 55 tooth chain set for my race bike ……………..lovely!
My run efforts were ok but my legs are still aching from the conditioning session last Wednesday. I was consistent with 3:42 per kilometre which is ok since I had just stumbled off the bike. I feel nice and ‘worked’ now and ready for a rest day tomorrow before hitting the St Ives CC clubrun on Sunday – another 70 miles coming up.
Next Wednesday is the Henlow 10 mile road race. I have competed in this for the last 2 years but somehow I got roped into organising this years’ event! Hence I will not be running this year but I will be dashing around with my head on fire making sure all runs smoothly! Hope to see some of you bloggers at Henlow on the 12 November.
Train well. Blog well.
Thursday, 6 November 2008
Why do we Like to Hurt Ourselves?!
What drives you bloggers to dip into the hurt zone....to pull funny faces in pain.....to dive into the hurt box?!! I'll let you into a secret. My motivation at the moment is improving enough to challenge:
a. Team Reardon. with all the high tech training approach young Andy has (not to mention the expense!), I would love to be at least close to him using my experimental, illogical over training methods!
b. Mat Stephenson as he makes a comeback attempt (though with all Mat's problems I would be more than happy to see him back to his best....where I would be no where near him!).
c. Beat......ok, realism....... get close to Daz 'fast man' Sharpe.
d. My aging process!
If I think that I am wimping out in a session, you guys are on my mind. Scary thought eh!
Sunday, 2 November 2008
The Lurgy!
Hopefully, I can get back to normal training this week. That said, I will have to concentrate on wrapping stuff up at work because I am posted back to Wyton in a few weeks. Not having to commute to Henlow will be nice but I will have to see how that land lies with training. I may have to rely on some early morning sessions to begin with. Swimming will be back at Huntingdon so no more personal pool time, like I had at Henlow! More news on the power levels during my bike sessions coming up.......
Train well bloggers
Friday, 24 October 2008
Remember the Hurt Box?

So it was a pleasant surprise when I completed the first 6 min effort at a certain power level (I won’t say exactly what level) and I felt much more comfortable ……yippee, I exclaimed as I placed the hurt box back on the shelf – won’t be needing you today, box of pain! Interestingly, I was maintaining a slightly slower cadence than normal. This slower cadence felt good and I was ‘at one’ with my bike. Once the 4 reps of 6 mins was completed I hot footed it outside and completed 4 x 800m with 1 min recovery. I consider that my running is taking a back seat at the moment, so, despite a strong wind blowing in one direction I was pleased to cruise 800m times of 3:10, 2:54, 2:58, 2:42.
I now need to make sure that I continue to make steady progress and not go berserk because I feel ok! I am acutely aware that all could come crashing down at any time. Another 70 mile ride with St Ives CC beckons on Sunday and I want to thank my wife for making it possible for me to ride on these Sunday mornings. The session really wipes out the entire morning, but the benefit is becoming plain to see. Hopefully, the reward will be awesome bike splits next year!
One problem that is bugging me at the moment is saddle sores! I have never suffered with these before and I am wondering if some quality shorts would help? I am loath to splash out on some Assos gear – no kit can warrant that ridiculous price tag! Maybe my £5.99 Aldi shorts are too far the opposite way! Oh well, out come the vaseline again!
Later bloggers
Tuesday, 21 October 2008
Over Training or Moving to a Higher Level?

Sunday, 19 October 2008
Hello Bloggers
I was pleased to fit my conditioning session in, although I have modified the content to include tabata intervals on the turbo. This is serious pain - hence I like it! With no rest, I do 20 rep squats followed by tabata intervals for 3 mins, followed by 5 mins fast feet on the treadmill. These 3 exercises are hard............. very hard! I finish the routine with press ups, pull downs and ab/core work. Then I repeat it all again!
I didn't get much swimming done whilst away. The pool was so tiny that I barely had the chance to do very simple balance drills. I plan to catch up on some swim sessions next week.
Today I went out with the local cycle club again. I torture myself and go out with the fast group (there are 3 groups). For the 3rd week we completed 70 miles and it was full on from the very start. I am now wasted......... very tired indeed! We averaged over 23mph for the first half and over 19mph into a mean wind on the return. This training will make me very fit or very ill! My intention is to train all winter with the club - something different that I have not done previously. The pic is me feeling very tired after the ride.
Still, no pain, no gain. Or is it train don't strain?
Sunday, 12 October 2008
Riding With the Real Cyclists
Saturday, 11 October 2008
Training Update

Thursday, 9 October 2008
Battered by Tabata!
Monday, 6 October 2008
A Slight Tweak 8-(

Wednesday, 1 October 2008
Alternative Training Experiment Continues!
My training has been going well and I am into my conditioning sessions properly - that means that I now have weight on the bar whilst doing squats! My balance drills in the pool feel good and I return yet again to Swim Shack next week. Maybe I will do some work on moving forwards! I am getting good at bobbing about in the pool, but some forward motion would be nice!
Today was the RAF Road Rely Champs at RAF Wittering. I joined Jamie Elliot and his Brize team, as I could not scrape a team up from Bra/Wyt/Hen. the event was great but not well attended. The course is good (no vehicles) and flat, if a little windy today! True to my training experiment, I took my turbo and completed my long rep session prior to running the last leg of 5k. I was happy with 18:10 but there were some fast boys out there today! Our team actually finished 3rd, thanks to some consistent running from all the Brize guys who were all well under 20 mins. However, as the team was a composite, we did not qualify for the prizes. Oh well, we know that we were 3rd! And yes, I wore my compression socks. And yes, I received abuse. And yes, I am impressed with them, as I have zilch calf pain what so ever - unusual for me.
Time to sleep now.....ZZZZzzzzz
Wednesday, 24 September 2008
Jaffa Cake Famine!!

Training is going ok and I am beginning to master the balance drills in the pool. Today I did an hour of 25m drill/25m swim. As I completed my 25m full stroke length I sort of fell into breathing every 4th stroke on my unnatural side (left). This is really weird for me; however, I was feeling smooth and relaxed, with minimal effort. I know that you cannot gauge much by alternate 25m swims after 25m drill, but I decided to time some of the 25m full stroke swimming. Keeping the effort the same, I clocked the 25m at 22 sec (22:05 to be exact). Not fast, but fast for me at that effort level. The next few timed 25m after a drill length were all between 21:5 and 22 sec. I was tempted to do a 200m time trial to see if I could maintain that pace; however, I decided that would not be wise and I carried on. It bodes well, though, that I am feeling ok in the water. Of course, it could all go wrong come April/May but let’s think positively and reach for the stars!
I dusted off the hurt box again for the weekly turbo/run session. It was short intervals this week: 3 x 6 mins at 300W. During the race season I was doing 6 x 6 mins at 330W, so 3 x 6 mins would be easy? Nope! I was tickling the hurt box again and thinking that the session should feel easier! After the turbo hurt it was out onto the road for 6 x 400m with 1 min recovery. After the initial wobbly leg feeling and a 1:30 effort, I settled into repeats of 1:19 – 1:23. This pace, I decided, was too fast and I would reduce the pace and increase the number of reps next time, as I need to leave myself room for gradual improvement. I will save the real gut-busting efforts for the spring.
Talking of gut-busting efforts, I read an article on the Tabata Protocol today – sounds like a drill to be adopted during a nuclear explosion or something! It’s all about very short and sharp efforts at max intensity, with short recovery periods. Here is an extract:
If you think you've got what it takes, here's the drill. First, do a five-minute warm-up by cycling at about 40% of your full effort. For the intervals, work on a stationary bike and alternate 20 seconds of activity at full effort with 10-second rest periods. Each sprint-rest combo counts as one interval. After the intense section, do a five-minute cool-down in the same way you warmed up. Try to do four intervals at first, then gradually work your way up to six. Repeat the workout three to four days a week.
I have done sessions like this before on my turbo and boy does it hurt! I don’t really fancy doing it 5 times a week! However, for peaking in the spring, it could be beneficial. Apparently, fatigue in the legs is minimal after you have recovered yet you feel like someone has set fire to your lungs. If my hurt box sessions remain hurtful, I may just do some of these to wake myself up
Friday, 19 September 2008
Swimming Update

Wednesday, 17 September 2008
Where is Your Hurt Box?

I did 3 x 10 mins at 260W today. I peaked at 2 x 20 mins and 3 x 15 mins at 290W during the race season. So, so 3 x 10 mins at 260W should be ok? Tickle tickle…it still hurt but I concentrated on not actually opening the box! Then it was out with the Garmin and 3 x 1 mile with 2 min recoveries. These run repeats are tempo at this time of year; full on speed is not the aim just yet. I set my Garmin for 6:20 per mile pace. First rep 6:08, second 6:04………best ease back…….third rep 6:15. Considering I had just staggered off the turbo the running felt reasonably easy. I am sure, as the turbo sessions suck me into the hurt box, the running will not feel so easy!
I have my second Swim Shack swim session tomorrow – really looking forward to that. I have spent the last week doing hardly any full stroke swimming. I have done loads of drills and have mastered the homework given to me last week; I just hope that I can reproduce the drills perfectly in the endless pool so the teacher gives me full marks and gives me more secret stuff to work on!
Good luck with finding your hurt box…….learn to love it……purrrrrrrrr!
Tuesday, 16 September 2008
More Bike and Training Stuff

Sunday, 14 September 2008
Bike Position
Friday, 12 September 2008
Swimming Master Plan

Tuesday, 9 September 2008
Lance to come back!?!
"He is no part of our team," Astana team press officer Philippe Maertens told the AP in an e-mail. "Team Astana has no plans with him."
However, sources close to the story have told VeloNews that an exclusive article on the matter will be published in an upcoming issue of Vanity Fair, expected later this month. Vanity Fair editors did not respond to requests for comment.
Monday, 8 September 2008
Training Commences.....
Mon: Swim Technique. Conditioning.
Tues: Swim Technique
Wed: Bike/Run Brick Power (alt short and long efforts each week)
Thurs: Swim technique
Fri: Swim Technique. Conditioning.
Sat: Tempo Bike/Run
The conditioning involves supersets of high rep squats/low cadence turbo hill simulations/fast feet treadmill. Then it’s onto core and some upper body exercises. Hence, during the conditioning sessions I actually bike and run.
The key bike sessions are on Wednesdays and the aim is to raise my power threshold gradually throughout the winter at short and long intervals of 6 mins and 20 mins, respectively. Turbo Man, for your info, my targets are:
Short Intervals: 360W
Long Intervals: 320W
Short Intervals: 380W
Long Intervals: 340W
If I reach any of those targets, it’s game on!! I have a 4 month coached swim period coming up. During this time I hope to make the changes to my technique that I need to improve my swim times. From Jan 09 I will join the local swim club again and get myself beasted with the 12 year olds that swim under 20 mins for 1500m!
My running will take a back seat and the majority of run sessions will be off the bike. That said, I intend to do a full cross country season during the winter but there will be no easing down for races and, invariably, I will have completed the turbo efforts earlier in the day prior to any cross country running……….that’s why I have lots of rest in the schedule!
The routine is totally made up by me and whether it seems good or not, I have no idea! I am sure that coach Roy will scoff at the bad planning! I do, however, know that I will enjoy the training and that will be good enough for me! I suppose at worst I would get no slower??
Today I did the first session of conditioning. For squats, I only used the bar to get the movement back into my legs………ouch, it is a heavy bar for a lightweight like me! I enjoyed the session immensely and it feels like I am training bits that have been neglected!
Feel free to ridicule etc but don’t be too hasty to do so…….you never know what the training may yield come next summer……
Until the next instalment…..
Disclaimer: This schedule is not endorsed to be productive for any blog readers. Should any blog readers incur bodily damage whilst attempting to replicate strange made up training sessions, Mark Sags does not bare any responsibility for said injuries.
Friday, 5 September 2008
Back to British Weather
I am super eager to commence my winter training experiment; however, I need to avoid burn-out! I swam yesterday, nice and easy, and I cycled an easy hour on my single speed today....in the pouring rain - a real contrast to the sunny 28 degrees when I last rode my bike!!
It is the Inter-Services Long Course Champs on Sat. The weather forecast is really bad. best wishes to all the brave chaps (c'mon Turbo man!!) and chapesses competing at Rutland Water. I am recovering well and could probably race.............but I won't!!