I ran with Nige Porter (fellow RAF Triathlete) for much of the race. Nige's running has improved immensely and he was going well on the hills. On the 3rd lap of 3 I put a dig in to try and catch Clive Wintrip ahead of me. By doing this I managed to drop Nige, but it won't be long before he is leaving me behind. I did catch Clive just before the finish line but I had to work for it!
When I had finished I felt a stinging sensation on my heel. Mmmmm, I thought. i may have a little blister there. Upon looking down, this is what I saw. . . .
So bloggers, do we really need skin?!
I managed to get my bike shoes on today but will I be able to run tomorrow?
I have my 5th swim session at swimshack on Monday. I am looking forward to this as my drills have been going really well. The anticipation of getting faster in the H2O is something that I have not really experienced before. Full report to follow.
Ooooyah! That looks like a sore one.
Turbo Man back in Blog Land!!!! Welcome dude! Is your blog available to you now?
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