I just like this cartoon! Well, Sunday was a complete day of rest, apart from domestic chores! Monday was quite a big training day, with a 3 mile easy run (legs ok, but it was very short and slow!), a 2.7k swim set at lunch time and then tested the race bike, complete with race wheels, by riding home 30 miles. The bike felt awesome and I had an average heart rate of 146 for and average speed of 21 mph - even with some slow traffic in towns etc. I think I had a favourable tail wind! I rode into work this morning but got a puncture at 15 miles.........AHHHH! I had left my puncture kit and spare tubes on my other bike!! Consequently, it was a long ride/walk! I managed to find a garage that was open early and he helped me repair the puncture. We struggled to get much air in the repaired tube and I had to ride the remaining 15 miles on a very squidgy front tyre. I will try and run later today but I will apply a more scientific approach to the session: I know I can run 3 miles easy with no leg pain; so today I will go for 4 miles easy...... very scientific eh!?! I really want to run hard and fast but until I fully recover from the marathon (probably some time in 2009 at this rate!) I will run easy.
I have a very hard bike session planned for Wednesday with Mick, if I can squeeze it in around my sick family. Julie and the girls all have stinking colds and sore throats. I am walking around with a surgical suit on, trying not to get infected! Anyway, must dash - more Jaffa Cakes needed.
Like the bog Sags. Keep it going. I like reading about people who are in pain!!! :-)
Good to hear from you Neill! Yes, I have had my share of pain lately! I am hoping I will be on form for the longer distances later in the year. Any other shorter event is training! Be good to see you at the Dambuster mate.
I think we will be in a World of Pain tomorrow night - a 2 up 2 x 10 mile TT - and it will have nothing to do with your marathon.
Roy - there will be a Turbo Man blog starting later in the year when I head off to Qatar for the winter.
glad you mentioned punctions, I still need to go pack the kit for that for the New Forest, ahhh, !
punctures even!
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