Today is 16 Oct 22. Time to review the purpose of this Blog - again! It is 2 years since the last review. 🤕 2022 was shaping up well and I was on track for a decent middle distance Duathlon race. Then COVID hit me! I tried to salvage the race season but never felt strong or healthy. Looking to 2023 now and focussing on being healthy and some sprint Duathlon racing mixed with some bike TT fun on the Canyon CF

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Tuesday 29 April 2008

I just like this cartoon! Well, Sunday was a complete day of rest, apart from domestic chores! Monday was quite a big training day, with a 3 mile easy run (legs ok, but it was very short and slow!), a 2.7k swim set at lunch time and then tested the race bike, complete with race wheels, by riding home 30 miles. The bike felt awesome and I had an average heart rate of 146 for and average speed of 21 mph - even with some slow traffic in towns etc. I think I had a favourable tail wind! I rode into work this morning but got a puncture at 15 miles.........AHHHH! I had left my puncture kit and spare tubes on my other bike!! Consequently, it was a long ride/walk! I managed to find a garage that was open early and he helped me repair the puncture. We struggled to get much air in the repaired tube and I had to ride the remaining 15 miles on a very squidgy front tyre. I will try and run later today but I will apply a more scientific approach to the session: I know I can run 3 miles easy with no leg pain; so today I will go for 4 miles easy...... very scientific eh!?! I really want to run hard and fast but until I fully recover from the marathon (probably some time in 2009 at this rate!) I will run easy.
I have a very hard bike session planned for Wednesday with Mick, if I can squeeze it in around my sick family. Julie and the girls all have stinking colds and sore throats. I am walking around with a surgical suit on, trying not to get infected! Anyway, must dash - more Jaffa Cakes needed.


in2triathlon said...

Like the bog Sags. Keep it going. I like reading about people who are in pain!!! :-)


Sags said...

Good to hear from you Neill! Yes, I have had my share of pain lately! I am hoping I will be on form for the longer distances later in the year. Any other shorter event is training! Be good to see you at the Dambuster mate.

Turbo Man said...


I think we will be in a World of Pain tomorrow night - a 2 up 2 x 10 mile TT - and it will have nothing to do with your marathon.

Roy - there will be a Turbo Man blog starting later in the year when I head off to Qatar for the winter.

Kelda said...

glad you mentioned punctions, I still need to go pack the kit for that for the New Forest, ahhh, !

Kelda said...

punctures even!