I registered for the marathon yesterday ...... quite excited! There were heaps of runners around the underground carrying Flora London Marathon bags and the sun was shining outside most of the day. However, the forecast for Sunday is rain. I didn't train yesterday either, so that is 2 full rest(ish) days for me! I will swim for 40 mins today and then do a reduced track session with Hunts AC this evening. That will sharpen the legs up but not tire them out. Julie is coming to watch the race and we have to leave Huntingdon rail station at 0604. Clear sunny skies would make the early start much more pleasant! In case I don't get to the Blog again before the race, my race plan is 6:30 miles all the way.............the reality may be different! I can't see my going any faster but if I get under 3 hours I will be happy.
Best of luck buddy, I know how much hard work you've put in to this. I'll be looking out for you on the TV so make sure you smile for the cameras.
Thanks T Man. However, with tapering, it feels an age since I ran long! Still worried about blowing up!
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