Tuesday, 29 April 2008

Saturday, 26 April 2008
73 Miles and OK - Phew!
Thursday, 24 April 2008
I Can Run .... I Can't Run 8-(

Tuesday, 22 April 2008
Easy Does it!

Monday, 21 April 2008
Slow Recovery
Friday: Easy swim technique set. 50 min spin on the bike (including a recovery stop at Southill coffee shop)
Saturday: 3 miles walk jog - sore legs!
Sunday: 20 mins spin on the turbo followed by 20 mins walk jog - sore legs
Today I dropped the car off for its MOT and then cycled the remainder 28 miles to work. I had a tail wind, which made the ride very easy - good job as my legs are STILL SORE.....AAHHHH!!! Sorry, just a bit of frustration being vented 8-(
Friday, 18 April 2008
London Marathon Pics

Oh the pain!

Thursday, 17 April 2008
Recovery and Taper
Anyway, more recovery for me but I hope to be back to full on training next week. I am spinning on my bike today, which I am really looking forward to. As for tapering, I may stick to my normal easy few days before an event. The 3 week taper for the marathon didn't seem to give me any extra oomph! In fact, I felt a bit stale. More training less recovery!
Monday, 14 April 2008
..........oh how right I was! Stairs are a major obstacle today! Thanks to everyone for the support and texts. I will be back racing in.......ummm.......about 6 months!
Saturday, 12 April 2008
Inner Strength
"Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."Isaiah 40 : 31
Now you know what will be going through my head at the 20 mile point tomorrow! For us triathletes, had time trial bikes been around in the Old Testament, I am sure the Lord would have included:
".....will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint, they will be steadfast in an aero tuck and have lungs of endless capacity."
Friday, 11 April 2008
Is Sponsorship Worth It?

Training yesterday comprised a 30 min swim drill session and a reduced track run session at Hunts AC. I did the same session as last week, 10 x 200m with 200m jog recovery. I felt good after last week, so figured doing the same may make me feel good again! I felt strong as I did the session but held back and did constant 36 sec for each 200m. Today was an easy spin on the bike to the local coffee shop and back. I wasn't out that long but long enough to get wet and hailed on! The temperature dropped markedly too; this freaky weather is not good - the old joints like warm weather!
Unfortunately, most of my family are ill! JJ has a bad throat and feeling rotten and Julie is feeling nauseous; CJ has a cold! I have 2 days to stay illness free.............will I make it? Just a bit of suspense for Blog readers there! Pray for good weather on Sunday!
Thursday, 10 April 2008
Race Number Ready!

I registered for the marathon yesterday ...... quite excited! There were heaps of runners around the underground carrying Flora London Marathon bags and the sun was shining outside most of the day. However, the forecast for Sunday is rain. I didn't train yesterday either, so that is 2 full rest(ish) days for me! I will swim for 40 mins today and then do a reduced track session with Hunts AC this evening. That will sharpen the legs up but not tire them out. Julie is coming to watch the race and we have to leave Huntingdon rail station at 0604. Clear sunny skies would make the early start much more pleasant! In case I don't get to the Blog again before the race, my race plan is 6:30 miles all the way.............the reality may be different! I can't see my going any faster but if I get under 3 hours I will be happy.
Tuesday, 8 April 2008
Busy Days!
Quick training recap:
Sunday: Strength and spin session on the turbo - felt very strong and if you want wattage T Man, pushing 400W + for 2 mins on hill simulations. Of course, I have no idea what that means as all these wattage measurements are worthless when compared across different turbo trainers - probably worth about 700W on T Man's easy life turbo trainer 8-)
Monday: 2k technique swim set. Felt rotten in the water again.....what's new! Later I did an easy 5 miles which felt ok.
I rested today.......Na! change that! Went to Legoland with the kids and walked all day; should I log that as a long endurance session? I thought about getting a pic of me for the Blog coming down the water slidy thing with the kids but 1) the pic cost £6! 2) I am too ugly!
Tomorrow I go to London to register for the marathon so probably another 'rest' day. I plan a track session on Thursday to turn the legs over. last week's track session felt good so I may repeat something similar. Apart from feeling like I have lost any resemblance of marathon fitness, I feel great! Bed calls.........you will pay for keeping me up T Man!!!
Saturday, 5 April 2008
Whacky Weather

Wow, the weather sure is whacky today; hope it warms up for race day next weekend! I always run better in the warm weather - it must be an age thing! In contrast to the weather today, yesterday I cycled in shorts for the first time that I can remember for ages! It was warm and sunny as I cycled to Biggleswade pool for an easy 1k straight swim and some distance per stroke drills. The easy ride back was equally enjoyable in the sunshine. That was another easy day ticked off. Today has been more easy stuff. I tried to time my short tempo run to coincide between hale showers......I failed and got wet and cold! I ran well though, completing 4 miles at an average 6:23 per mile pace feeling comfortable and barely warmed up. I will rest tomorrow and do my reduced long run on Monday. I will do a huge 5 miles! I find tapering harder than training long and hard! I feel as though I have lost fitness and the 20 mile runs seem way in the past - in reality, it is only a few weeks ago. Nevertheless, I do worry about hitting 'the wall'.......... turns out the wall worries about it too!
Friday, 4 April 2008
Count Down to FLM

Thursday, 3 April 2008
Wednesday, 2 April 2008
Fighting the Taper and Super Food!
I did a 2.5k swim set this morning as 800m WU, 4 x 100m catch up on 2 min, 4 x 100m alternating single arm, 4 x 50m as 3 strokes single arm followed by 3 strokes full, 4 x 50m half catch up, 400m easy tech, WD. I felt like a non-swimmer! I have plenty of time to work on the swim - good job! Training buddy Jase 'baby face' Walkley is detatched at the moment. he did a 50min 3k swim TT and should be in good form come August for a decent swim leg in Holland. Don't think I could go close to 50min over 3k (either now or August!).
Today's second session is an easy bike (15 mile max) followed by some fast feet intervals on the treadmill............. The session didn't end up as planned! My theory for this taper is if I have a thought that I am doing too much, I need to drop something. So, I ran easy for 30 mins and did some core and stretching. I am running at Hunts AC on the track tomorrow so no need to do too much today. I biked yesterday too, so my thought was that another bike today may be junk training. The track session tomorrow will be reduced from the usual beasting! Didn't feel too great on the 30 mins easy today, which, I am told, is usual when tapering. To aid in my highly scientific preparation, I enclose a pic of the secret Hi-tech energy food of champions 8-)