Monday, 31 December 2018
9-Day Training Week
Getting older has certainly shown me that I cannot recover half as quickly as I used to when I was in my 40s. The 50s has seen a rapid decline in recovery abilities. So during this Christmas period I have been re-thinking how I could train productively. The answer is more recovery. I have read about the 9, 10, 11-daytraining week for older athletes; this theory could suit me. We, in general, tend to plan everything based on the 7-day week. I am looking at moving to a 9-day training week. Now this doesn't mean cramming more into an extended period! It means more recovery. This recovery could be in the form of complete rest or active easy days. With a 9-day week I aim to include 3 hard sessions. So the schedule looks something like this:
Some weeks will encompass 2 weekends, whilst other weeks will only have 1 weekend. I have yet to see how my new job will impact training routine. So there will be more tweaks to come. For now, getting organized is the aim and this is quite motivating.
I ran for 14k yesterday and the legs were complaining - hamstrings/glutes specifically. The legs were tired prior to running; so I kind of expected this soreness but it is quite intense! Doh. This shows just how much recovery I need! But I cannot spend 3 days waiting for good legs to complete what is a low intensity run! Slightly frustrated!

Saturday, 29 December 2018
Eyeing a New Start
New year round the corner, new job to commence. . . . . New training and racing focus? I hope so. It struck me recently how important being mentally robust and secure in 'normal' life actually is to producing tangible physical training. Over the last 2 years, since leaving the RAF, 'life' has been tough. As a consequence, training and racing has been very difficult. Lack of racing and training productively adds to the mental strain and so the vicious circle perpetuates.
Hence a fresh start for 2019 is really needed. To begin this, I have recommenced my online training diary and kick-started my Strava recording of sessions. Recent training sessions indicate that I am not in bad shape. I have not completed many long sessions and this will be an element to build through Jan/Feb.
Swimming is actually in a good place and I am confident of swimming a 6:20 - 6:30 400m if I raced. The majority of bike training has been on rollers, using my Garmin Vector pedals to monitor power levels. Yesterday, for example, I completed a set of 40/20 efforts as 30 min (215W), 5 min RI, 15 min (219W). The effort certainly rasised the steam levels!
Whilst these power levels are nothing great, they are better than last winter equivalent session on the turbo. Running is ok over short blasts. However, the tight glute/hamstring issue remains. I am completing rehab sessions daily - nothing else to do but continue.
Sunday, 23 December 2018
End of Year Push
As 2018 draws to a close I have been pushing to build strength and endurance in preparation for racing in 2019. Quite what races I'll end up doing is an unknown. As my work situation is finally firming up I feel like I can try to focus on some racing. Early season duathlon races are favourable and I think I'm in some sort of condition to actually finish a duathlon and enjoy the experience! I'll settle for that! The last few days have been a steady training load comprising a decent roller session producing some reasonable power levels. After this session I followed it up immediately with some kettlebell conditioning. The next day was an hour run session as 5 min warm up, 8 min half marathon pace, 2 min jog, 6 min increased pace, 2 min jog, 4 min upped pace again, 2 min jog, 2 min fast, 2 min jog. Then repeat this descending set aiming to maintain or increase the pace. This run session left the troublesome hamstrings tight. I'm still building the rehab for this problem but it's annoying! Anyway, the back to back sessions have been tough for this old man! But I'm confident I can build on current physical condition and compete in a few months - if I can settle with the work and domestic situation.
Today was a longer easy endurance roller session followed by rehab.
A swim set tomorrow will see me to a day off 25 Dec. Something happening that day....

Sunday, 16 December 2018
A Reasonable Week
After pushing for Consistency last week, it's been a reasonable 7 days of training. I have completed more research on my tight hamstring problem and the thought now is to focus more on glute/hamstring prehab. So I have completed some sort of focused conditioning exercises every day. Today I completed my normal longer/intense session and the tight hamstrings seemed slightly better. I'm not sure if this was down to the fact that I ran for less overall time today than last week. The running this week, however, was more intense, completing only 5k of running as 4 x 1k increasing the effort each rep. Each rep was broken by 7 mins of sweetspot bike effort on the rollers (with 30 sec flat out every 2 min) and 10 min kettlebell conditioning. So the running was carrying quite fatigued legs. Overall, I was happy enough with the run pace for each kilo: 4:04, 3:59, 3:56, 3:51. Whilst not super quick times, the cold and twisty course did impact the running (not forgetting jelly legs!).
So let's see how the right hamstrings are tomorrow. The aim is for a swim session to assist recovery. More on swimming next post as, surprisingly, swimming is going OK.
Sunday, 9 December 2018
The Quest for Consistency
So what's been the landscape of the last few weeks in my training? Illness, some stress and at least 2 attempts to get back on track with consistent training. The main focus is just that; consistency. But also strength work. The strength work has centred on body-weight exercises. I've really got enthusiastic about kettle bell work too. In particular, kettlebell cleans, Turkish get up and single leg deadlifts.
This strength work will help injury prevention and help minimise loss of muscle - remember, I'm old! I'm still finding that I am suffering from tight hamstrings, especially after running. What's the answer? More stretching? More strength work? I don't know to be honest. As normal, suck it up and crack on!
Nearly 2019 and no race plans as yet. I really want to race but can't plan or enter any events until I know what my work location will be. It's looking like I'll be located at Yeovil but not sure when I'll start. So maybe some short duathlon race focus would be good. That said I'm really enjoying swimming, even though I'm only swimming once a week. Let's see what happens in Jan 2019.

Sunday, 18 November 2018
Gravel Bike Trend
The latest development for my job situation is that I am not returning to Saudi. Such a weird situation based on a simple admin error. The Saudi authorities would not budge and I was effectively banned from entering KSA for 3 years - I will not be returning at all. The upshot is that BAE cannot employ me if I cannot be in-country. So I am back on the job hunt. Whilst I sound 'ok' with this situation, in truth, I am devastated. We had completed many domestic changes to prepare for the Saudi venture. To have everything fall through has caused so many issues. But, as I have said before, this Blog is about my triathlon journey (not really going anywhere at the moment!), not a portal to detail life in general. So enough of that. One issue as a result, however, is that I have a bike (trusty Specialized Langster single speed) and swim gear out in Saudi that I had sent out early with a colleague. Got to work on getting this stuff back!
I have been watching lots of GCN - Global Cycling Network - whilst rolling along on the rollers. I had not realised the huge interest in gravel bikes (or adventure bikes) at the moment. Over time, I have become quite intrigued with these bikes. They just look like great go anywhere bikes. Good for commuting or a winter training bike. So I took the plunge and got one:
This is the Merlin Cycles Malt G Gravel Bike. It isn't a top end high tech bike for sure. But it is sturdy and reliable and a great deal from Merlin Cycles. I have ridden this bike on the roads and gravel/mud/grass/tracks and it really is simply fun to ride. It does feel heavy for sure. But that is good training, right?! Where it feels best is on the gravel tracks and it eats up the uneven surface really well. The thicker tyres soak up the bumps and it is has a solid feel. Overall, I am very pleased with this bike. Those thicker tyres also make the crappy UK road surface far easier to negotiate too.

Monday, 22 October 2018
The Importance of Routine and Stability
I should have been in KSA for 3 weeks now, fitting into some routine and acknowledging the stability of what my work life offers. These things have not happened! There was a problem with my previous visa that expired in 2017 when I left the RAF. This meant that I was refused entry to KSA and now the mess is supposedly being rectified. As to whether the situation will be sorted at all is another discussion. Right now, as I remain in the UK waiting, I am realising just how difficult it is to train and set realistic goals when my domestic situation is so fragile. I'm not even sure where I will be living or working. The impact on my family of preparing to depart to Saudi and then departing, only to return for who knows how long is huge. The accumulation of these things mean yet more tick over training. It seems as though the last 2 years have been 'make do' training and hardly any racing as a result of external factors forced upon me...... That will be because that's the exact situation. This post is turning into a rant - not good.
So after returning from my stalled Saudi deployment (which was just 36 hours hanging around in airports) it took a week to feel any where near fresh. The focus has been on remaining healthy whilst still training consistently. I have had rest days and easy days far more often than I used to. With increasing age, I need the recovery! However, interspersed within all this rest I have completed some key sessions that only really work if completed fresh. For example, yesterday I Completed a sweetspot bike session on the rollers (1 hour) followed by a run off the bike as a tempo pyramid set:2 min, 4 min, 6 min, 8 min, 6 min, 4min, 2 min all with 60 sec RI between efforts. I was aiming for half ironman effort level and pro ably exceeded this pace, averaging 4:13 per kilo. A decent session but my hamstrings are tight again. Not sure why this happens? More stretching needed.
Saturday, 29 September 2018
Back to the Middle East
The date for my move back to the Middle East is now confirmed. So what does this mean for my triathlon journey? Thanks to my previous 2 years spent in KSA with the RAF I pretty much know what to expect. Training will be centred around the accommodation compound. This means multi-lap bike riding and turbo/rollers to get the cycling completed. Ditto for running; lots of laps and some treadmill work. Strength work will be vital and there is a decent gym to undertake this conditioning training. Swim training should be improved as there are 2 pools to choose from and these will be available most of the time - no real timetable to restrict training. I have my trusty single speed bike already in-situ:
I was going to take my race bike. However, a travel complication has prevented this. . . . .Doh! To enable indoor training (air con a must!) I am taking these rollers:

Yes; fold up rollers! I have not used these yet but I will post a review once I have pedalled some decent sessions on them.
As for racing, I have no idea what will happen. I would like to race in some of the Middle East big 70.3 events but time will tell if this will be possible. Moving up to the 55-59 age group is motivating. Let's see what happens. . . . .

Saturday, 15 September 2018
Moves and More Moves!
In terms of the racing season, 2018 is virtually over. For me, it's over before it ever started! So that is no real racing since 2016 - a 2-year period of stress and chaos! I thought that the last blog post would be the start of a few race reports. But no way! Finally, my start date for my post-RAF career in Saudi is firming up. Around 27 Sep 18 I will depart for Dhahran. After the last race a Darley Moor we booked a last minute holiday to Annecy in the French Alps. Thinking that I would be departing for KSA early August, this holiday would be sad and also happy, as Annecy is a great place to be - especially when the Tour De France is happening! Cut a long story short, we got back from the holiday and my Mum died and we also decided to move house prior to my departure. So the delay in departing was a saving grace in the end.
The move and Mum's funeral arrangements enforced a training break of about 10 days. Then training kicked back gradually. Cycling has been mostly on the rollers, which has been an adventure in itself! Really enjoying the rollers actually. There has not been much effort in training but that doesn't really matter. Running has been mostly off the bike, again with no real effort. Swimming has been non-existant until this week. I am suitably slow but enjoying the water.
Ready for the new training environment I have treated myself to some new bike shoes. The Bont Riot Triathlon + shoe:
First impressions are good and the fit is great. The entry system is simple, which suits me. I also purchased a couple of dull looking DHB ultra thin base layer tops. These are great for running in the Saudi heat:

Some Annecy pics:

Friday, 20 July 2018
A Muliti-sport Race Completed!
Well, after far too long I completed a multi-sport race yesterday evening. The Crazylegsevents.com race team held an evening sprint Duathlon series during the summer months. Yesterday was the 3rd and last iteration - I had been injured and ill during the previous 2 races. With some recent training sessions showing signs of some sort of fitness I entered and raced. I cycled to the race (17 miles) steady and then raced, the format being 2.5k/10k/2.5. The course was basically circuits around the Darley Moor motor race track. This was great fun but by no means easy!
I held back slightly as the first run commenced. Sure enough the over enthusiastic starters soon came back to me and I finished the first run in 8:52 and in the first 10. This was pleasing and I was happy to still be able to run at his pace. I was on my Evo road bike, which is aero, but I missed the aero-tuck position and really did feel exposed in the wind. I had a decent bike split, averaging nearly 38kph. This was ok with the sharp bends. I basically spent the ride going into the red and then recovering! Not the best method but good fun! I actually caught a couple of TT bikes, which was enjoyable.
As I started the second run, The legs were ok - very surprising after the short full-on blast on the bike! maybe the conditioning gym work really does pay off. I caught another guy and ended up finishing 6th overall. All in all I am happy. I certainly think I am in good enough condition to build for a longer event.
Some great pics from the race below.
Sunday, 15 July 2018
Key Sessions
Further to my last post detailing the theory of a training as 2 days build followed by 1 day recovery/rest, I am also aiming to complete key sessions that give me some feedback to how my condition is progressing. One of these sessions is a sweetspot bike session followed by a run interval set on grass. Today was the third such session. The aim is to build these sessions gradually. After 3 sweetspot efforts on the flat (total 1 hr 4 min at sweetspot), I set out on the run to complete 7 x 700m reps. Lat week I was picking up speed. This week, wit the additional volume, I reduced the pace to 3:55 - 4:00 per kilo. Most reps were closer to 3:50 pace and the last rep was 3:45 pace. Next session will be same volume and more speed.
This is Thursday is the final Darley Duathlon evening race. I have missed the previous 2 races due to injury and illness. I may well make this event as a training race. Some achilles pain is a worry but I have put up with this for the last 8 years! Rehab continues!
Thursday, 12 July 2018
More Good Feelings

Sunday, 8 July 2018
Virus? Tired? Stressed? Old? Or all of the preceding words!!
It was April when I recall being ok when training - feeling ok with the train sleep repeat cycle. I know my body and since suffering with a calf pull and a bout of man-flu 2 months ago I have just not felt right. The legs have been so heavy and I've not been able to recover well from what I see as medium intensity training. Whilst I accept that I will be getting slower due to age, this slowing should be gradual; not a cliff edge demise! Last week I switched to a training regime of 2 days training/1 day recovery (no training). Today was the first time in 2 months that I have sensed the old feelings that I can still move at a reasonable pace. Maybe I need the new training regime?
Today I completed a 90 min sweet spot road ride over undulating terrain, followed by 6 x 700m run efforts. Last time I completed these run efforts I struggled through, maintaining 3:50 - 3:55 per kilo pace feeling crappy. Today I had increased the cycle effort and maintained 3:35 - 3:40 per kilo pace feeling more like my old self. When I have such a long period of feeling ill or unable to produce the expected feelings I seem to tell myself that all is lost and I can't do it any more. This is a mental thing and is quite negative. I have to acknowledge the stresses of the last few years and the contribution these stresses have towards reduced performance. Hopefully, life will be less stressful in the future and my performance can decline gracefully with age! Next year I move into the golden oldie 55 - 59 age group. So time to see what can be achieved in a new age group. It's a new start mentally, which should help😎
I'm off back to Saudi soon to start a new career venture. So let's see how the training is factored into that. My previous venture in the land of sand didn't do too badly for tri stuff. Onwards and upwards. More details to follow!

Sunday, 27 May 2018
Tean 10 Mile TT Crawl
Well, after the Tean 10 mile club TT last wed, I am not that happy. I clocked 24:38 by my watch (24:40 official). Not great and I had hoped that I was in better shape than that. I am thinking that my endurance is better than this time last year; however, my top end speed is obviously not there. Part of me thinks that the slow time is just age catching up. But I need to park that thought and just say "so what if it is?!". I enjoyed the blast on the bike and I have hardly completed any intense training sessions - so I can't expect much more. I need to merely keep training intelligently and keep enjoying the racing.
This pic was taken by Gary Main, an ex-RAF colleague now producing some quality sports photography. At least it isn't another turbo training shot!
So what next? My calf is slowly recovering and I have started easy jogging. Still not sure that I will make the start line at the next Darley short duathlon. I'll have to make that call nearer the time. I have a dose of the lurgy right now too - maybe the rest will do me good!
Monday, 21 May 2018
Bike Comeback... Run Go Back! Doh!
Tuesday, 8 May 2018
Testing Weekend
After the session last Saturday that involved a timed 10mile effort on the evo2max nebula Road bike I repeated the 10 mile effort on my TT bike. It was similar conditions and a 24:20 clocking was OK in my unfit state! So maybe I can get some bike form back and build on my current fitness levels. A lot will depend on how this pesky calf strain heals. The next Darley Duathlon is on 8 June and I would like to have a blast on this short course event. Let's see how things develop.
Sunday, 6 May 2018
Set Backs
Hello virtual world. Ages since my last Blog. To be frank, not an awful lot going on in my tri ventures. I have had a number of set backs with illness and injury - old age! I have been saying that for the last 10 years! I was feeling like I was getting back to some sort of shape and had entered a local duathlon series. These 3 races are short at 2.5k/10k/2.5k. However, the course is on a local airfield and traffic free. So a good fun race series to start off with for 2018. A calf pull put pay to the first race that should have been on 3 May 18. I had been running well off the bike and certainly capable of running well under 4:00 min per kilometre no matter how hard I ride on the bike. Oh well, the next race is 8 June and I hope to be back to health to enjoy the race.
I have upped my bike training due to the fact that I am not running. Yesterday was a glorious sunny day - the first I can remember for ages. So I took the Evo2max out for a spin. A mixed session consisted of a times 10 mile pushed on the Uttoxeter/Denstone road and some hilly efforts. The 10 mile was surprisingly fast at 24:30. Maybe I should enter dome TTs on the Specialized to see if I can get back to decent bike shape!

Friday, 5 January 2018
Finding Structure
Still no firm plans with regards to 2018 but I have continued to find some structure to training. The strength and conditioning focus remains for the next 6 weeks but I am now building the sweetspot turbo efforts and ensuring regular key run sessions increase in volume whilst defining the desired pace. Sounds technical eh! It's not really. I will build the long run and also build the 800/200 run fartleck session that is basically continual 1k reps completed as 800/200. All I really need to factor in is the long ride. Currently this will have to be an early morning session. As for swimming, the aim is for 3 sessions a week to get into 6 min 400m shape.
I'll have to find some better training pics for this blog as there are only so many variations on a turbo session that can be posted. This one is the silly hat version. Other hats are available.
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