Ref the post below about fish that ride bikes well ........... they can run fast too!! We're all doomed! (said in a Dad's Army voice!)
I successfully ran 7.2 miles on monday! Yippee! Ok, it was slow but my legs are gradually getting back to normal. Yesterday was a big training day: 30 miles EZ into work (never feels EZ at 0600). 3k swim set as 30 x 100m on 2:10 nice and relaxed. 30 miles home as 3 mins effort 5 mins steady. Quite tired after that day. Today is another test on the legs: 10 miles with 5 - 6 1 mile efforts (not flat out but brisk). Update to follow.
Sounds like you are finally recovering Sags, don't get carried away though, that's over 17 miles running in two days ...
Where do you get all these great piccies from!
Recovering slowly Kelda. Did the 10 miles with the brisk efforts. Fastes mile was 6:27 which was mostly down hill! Others around 6:50ish. Felt much better than previously but still not spot on. That said, after the monster day yesterday of 4:20 training with bike efforts, my legs were tired anyway! Easy day tomorrow and no running! Takes a bit of trawling for the pics but it makes for good blogging! Let's face it, you don't want to see my ugly mush all the time!
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