In my unending quest to try and improve my weak point - swimming - I found this little toy produced by finis. I was heartened when i found this item because a couple of years ago I improvised a very similar swim aid (should have patented it!)! The extended paddle straps on to the forearm and fixes your hand and forearm in the correct position; hence forcing you to keep a high elbow in the catch. I used skate board wrist protectors, which, basically, lock the wrist but do not have a paddle element - Nige and Turbo Man may remember laughing at me as I wore these!! Whose laughing now eh! I may try this 'professional' version. The majority of frustrated swimmers have a dropped elbow and this tool may be the answer............or is it a case of training doesn't seem to be working so I will buy a gadget, which is bound to work!!
What do all you swimmers out there think of this?
This is an area of my technique that I've been trying to improve since April. I'll intereseted to know how you get on as it is a very difficult technique to drill without a coach.
............or is it a case of training doesn't seem to be working so I will buy a gadget, which is bound to work!!
Love your thought process Sags! :-)
My ex had something like these. She liked to use them for activities other than swimming though (hence, ex).
Waaay tooo much info Lonsy!
Frank - does that apply to power meters as well?
[chuckle, chuckle - standing by for some devastating repartee in response!]
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