Today is 16 Oct 22. Time to review the purpose of this Blog - again! It is 2 years since the last review. 🤕 2022 was shaping up well and I was on track for a decent middle distance Duathlon race. Then COVID hit me! I tried to salvage the race season but never felt strong or healthy. Looking to 2023 now and focussing on being healthy and some sprint Duathlon racing mixed with some bike TT fun on the Canyon CF

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Monday 18 August 2008

A Good Week

Training last week improved as the week progressed. I had a decent 2 x 20 mins at 290W followed by a 5 mile run and a decent open water swim session on Friday. I wanted a long hard ride at the weekend; with Turbo Man racing, I decided to ride with my local bike club, St Ives CC. They ride around 60 miles each Sunday but I normally have to train a lot earlier to ensure that I do not abandon my family for half the day. However, this weekend was a key session (at least I decided it was!). So, at 0900 I met the bunch of real cyclists and went out with the 'A' group (they have a 'B' and 'C' group, with the 'A' group being the fast boys). We zipped along at 19mph from the off and I knew that I would get the ride I wanted. To make it extra hard, I attacked on every hill and when the bunch caught me up I would surge again. This tactic stimulated some healthy competition, which was great fun! After a very pleasant coffee stop the 'real' cyclists kindly allowed me to tow them the entire 26 miles home! Averaging over 22mph and continually attacking on every hill, the group that finished was significantly smaller than the one that started. Quote of the ride from a rider occurred as I had to stop to replace my unshipped chain 2 miles from home: "I wish your chain had come off 20 miles back!"

Suitably 'pooped' I arrived home feeling as though my bike legs were where they needed to be for Almere. Less than 2 weeks until the race and I am into taper time. Quite how I taper is another matter. I am not good at tapering! I will worry about it next week!

Well done to Turbo Man and Reg 'I start off fast on my run' Swallow for their heroics at Aberfeldy Half Ironman. They had a tough day racing on a tough course. Also, Jase Walkley clocked an Olympic distance pb 2:08 at the Wolverhampton Tri. Also racing were Vicky Webb and Bev Childs; both recording brilliant positions overall and in their age group.

I'm having an easy day today.....Jaffa Cakes shall be mine.

1 comment:

Turbo Man said...

Sounds like a great ride buddy, you are in great shape. Make sure you get your taper right - I'm sure Kelda will have some wise words for you on this matter.