Today is 16 Oct 22. Time to review the purpose of this Blog - again! It is 2 years since the last review. 🤕 2022 was shaping up well and I was on track for a decent middle distance Duathlon race. Then COVID hit me! I tried to salvage the race season but never felt strong or healthy. Looking to 2023 now and focussing on being healthy and some sprint Duathlon racing mixed with some bike TT fun on the Canyon CF

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Tuesday 12 August 2008

20mph Game Anyone?

My plan to rest the entire weekend faltered, as I was tempted out for a run on Sunday by Turbo Man. I ran 40 mins to meet him, completed a loop round Hinchinbrooke park and then ran home. I covered 15 miles, which is my longest run since the London Marathon. I felt ok and kept the pace easy. However, after the run I was wiped out and fell asleep at church. I had planned to ride to work on Monday morning but a disturbed night (kids etc) left me feeling even more tired. So, I took the car and swam at lunch time and rode home. I must have had a tail wind as the ride started off feeling very easy. I soon fell into the trap of the 20mph game………anyone ever played that game on the bike? Basically, you have to maintain a 20mph average (sounds easy? Try it and you will realise that it is not!). I monitor my time in multiples of 3 and try to hit the 20mph average on each multiple of 3 – 6 mins should be 2 miles, 9 mins at 3 miles, 12 mins at 4 miles etc. With hills and wind you can see where you are dropping off the average and you have to get back on track. By 20 miles I was averaging 21.5mph so I was abale to ease back and spin away to complete 30 miles at 21mph. Dare I say it? Could I be feeling back to normal? Time will tell.

This morning I had the return 30 miles to work. I always struggle in the mornings and I ail for a relaxed 16mph average. I was around 17mph average but the weather was awful! It rained continually and I was soaked through. It reminded me that I had better pack some bad weather kit for Holland!

Further to a previous post, coach Roy sent me this pic of a similar swim toy to help with that elusive high elbow:

Looks as though it may help…..even if it does look like it has the potential to break your forearm! Not sure if I have a kit bag big enough to carry all my swim toys!


Turbo Man said...

"Tempted out for a run by Turbo Man".

Sorry mate, no-one on this planet is going to believe that one!

I hope you didn't start snoring in church!

Daz Sharpe said...

Sags, I do the same but at 28mph!!! not!

Sags said...

I believe that you could do 28mph Daz!

Iron Girl said...

I suspected as much. Really Sags is a lazy individual who lacks motivation. It is only because of his training partner, Turbo Man, that he even gets out the door!

Kelda said...

Sags, and this was AFTER I let you into my secret training programme, what are you doing! If you want to arrive at Almere ready to drop you are going the right way about it! You need to be doing less, and less intensity, that is why you are falling asleep in church, why won't you believe me!!!

Turbo Man said...

Steady on Kelda, he was running with me. How much lower intensity can you go before its called walking?

Sags said...

I know I know but the 20mph didn't feel that hard. This long distance stuff doesn't sit well with my strange mental set up! Next year I am going short!