This morning I had the return 30 miles to work. I always struggle in the mornings and I ail for a relaxed 16mph average. I was around 17mph average but the weather was awful! It rained continually and I was soaked through. It reminded me that I had better pack some bad weather kit for Holland!
Further to a previous post, coach Roy sent me this pic of a similar swim toy to help with that elusive high elbow:

Looks as though it may help…..even if it does look like it has the potential to break your forearm! Not sure if I have a kit bag big enough to carry all my swim toys!
"Tempted out for a run by Turbo Man".
Sorry mate, no-one on this planet is going to believe that one!
I hope you didn't start snoring in church!
Sags, I do the same but at 28mph!!! not!
I believe that you could do 28mph Daz!
I suspected as much. Really Sags is a lazy individual who lacks motivation. It is only because of his training partner, Turbo Man, that he even gets out the door!
Sags, and this was AFTER I let you into my secret training programme, what are you doing! If you want to arrive at Almere ready to drop you are going the right way about it! You need to be doing less, and less intensity, that is why you are falling asleep in church, why won't you believe me!!!
Steady on Kelda, he was running with me. How much lower intensity can you go before its called walking?
I know I know but the 20mph didn't feel that hard. This long distance stuff doesn't sit well with my strange mental set up! Next year I am going short!
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