Today is 16 Oct 22. Time to review the purpose of this Blog - again! It is 2 years since the last review. 🤕 2022 was shaping up well and I was on track for a decent middle distance Duathlon race. Then COVID hit me! I tried to salvage the race season but never felt strong or healthy. Looking to 2023 now and focussing on being healthy and some sprint Duathlon racing mixed with some bike TT fun on the Canyon CF

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Monday 4 August 2008

Recovery Blues......Again!!

After reading about Phil McNeil’s exploits this weekend, I sort of feel a bit of a fake writing this! I have recovery blues! It is a week since the Gatorade Big Half Ironman Triathlon and my mind is saying ‘time to get back into training’. However, my body has just told me otherwise! I went for a long run and was completely drained of all energy……..not happy! I guess I have to accept that I do not recover quickly from a long distance race. I have been recovering well from the shorter races this year – far better than ever before. I foolishly thought that I would be back up to speed by now but this is not the case. I guess that I am trying to keep up with the younger element that did the Big Half and now seem to be racing and training quite happily (and full of energy!). Dare I say it? ………the ‘A’ word? ……….ok, I will. It’s an age thing! That extra 16 years just takes it toll on the body!

So, what do I do? I ran 10 miles today. It was meant to be 13 but I cut it short because I feared that I would not make it back! Clearly, I am not recovered. Should I take a couple of days complete rest? Should I ease back and tick over with light training? I have 3 weeks until the World Champs and I want to be fresh for the race. I am under no illusions that I will get a top 3 place; I just want to enjoy it.
Any thoughts on this bloggers? Please remember that I am old 8-)


Michael said...

If your body says rest then rest. Once you see and feel the benefits of resting you will not be pushing so hard to train.

I will admit I have missed more key sessions this year than planned through travel and work but never pushed to hard to get them back.

Performance is in the mind, if you know you can do well you will. As long as you do not pressure yourself to much you will enjoy it.

If it gets too much just go for a beer and a burn two days before. I plan to be sipping margaritas by the pool on the wednesday before!

Unknown said...

Dude, with 3 weeks to go you have loads of time. all of the hard work is done now and all that is left to do is polishing up the finish!
i would suggest: tomorrow take a day of complete rest, get a massage and a chill in a jacuzzi, take it really easy, take the missus and kids for a meal..chill. then have an easy day and just do some drills at the pool no hard work just 40ish mins of keeping a feel for the wet stuff. next day same swim drills set and an easy spin on the bike up to an hour, nothing hard all <70%. that is 3 days of rest and easy recovery that should bring you back on track. it will still leave you 10 days to do some sharp work with focus on quality not quantity and plenty of rest and then a final week of taper.
just my thoughts! stay positive you are in great shape your results prove it.
give me a ring at work tomoz?

Turbo Man said...

And don't forget you had a long bike yesterday - 3.5 hours at an average speed of about 19mph (with some medium to hard intervals included) is not a recovery session by any stretch of the imagination. After that, today should have been an easy day or even a full day off, not a half marathon run day.

So, ease back buddy. Roy's advice sounds good, or perhaps swap a bike or a run for a core, stretch and flex session. And try and get a good night's sleep.

Stay positive, you have the training in your legs.

Recover smart.

Daz Sharpe said...

See my thread "a change is as good as a rest" I had two complete rest days due to fatigue and I felt great after it. Take a break buddy or you will take a fall!!!

Sags said...

Roy. Can't find your number and your email seems to have dropped off the directory? Probably because the RAF think that you actually work for TriUK!!!

Lonsy said...

My body tells me to rest all the time. Mostly I listen to it because it's older and wiser than my brain :o)

Sags said...

Thanks for the tips. Whether I can resist the lure of training hard remains to be seen 8-(