Monday, 30 December 2013
Christmas Break Straining
Over Christmas the normal routine of work, family and training gets a severe bashing. It can be difficult to train and plan - luckily I rarely plan more than a week ahead and have to be very flexible to get the training required. The best options seems to be train with big volume days followed by rest days to fit in with family stuff. This seems to have worked well so far and the last 3 weeks of training amounted to:
12 hours
10 hours
10:51 (with 3 rest days)
So far so good then. The long run is up to 11 miles, though I fear that I will struggle to find any speed at all when I need to! The hamstring is holding but not entirely better. Hopefully the results of the MRI will direct a course of treatment that will get rid of the pesky problem once and for all.
I am still riding with Newcastle Tri Club and have completed regular rides in excess of 60 miles. In January I am going to bin the cafe stop and either run while the group eats chip buttees or ride for an extra 30 miles mins.
I have also purchased some of these babies:
Yep, I have moved into roller world! These should be far easier to transport to work when time is tight - no worries around with setting up the turbo which is pretty bedded in at garagville! I can Complete specific efforts on the turbo and grab spinning and recovery endurance sessions on the rollers - once I master the technique! Should be fun!
More to follow. . . .

Friday, 20 December 2013
Achieving Consistency!
The old grey matter was chugging along yesterday and I realised that I have managed to grab 6 weeks of consistent training - building up with low intensity of course. I even have meticulous record of this training - well, sort of meticulous! I have the cycling up to a reasonable distance (max 85 Miles so far) and long run up to 10 miles. I am concerned that I am not doing any speed work but I dare not risk the injury regressing at this stage. Talking of the injury, I went to Sutton Coldfield for an MRI this week. I should get the follow up visit in Jan and find out if there is anything bad still going on in the hamstring. I still have time to get some faster running in. This delay is better too as I am now leaning towards going for a place at the World Duathlon Champs in Spain on 31 May.
Even swimming is going ok, off very little pool time. I completed the Swim Smooth CSS test and managed a 400m in 6:06 and 200m in 3:00. Happy enough with that! If I an build endurance and hold this technique I am hopeful of a 1:05 I'M swim at the Outlaw in July.
Received an email from old pal Roy Brunning the other day. He has suffered badly from injury over the last few years but he is back training for IMUK. Go Roy; good to have you back.
Saturday, 7 December 2013
3 Weeks In. . . .
I say 3 weeks in meaning into Outlaw Iron Distance training. My head is focused on this race but I seem to be forgetting that I have an aim to compete at the World Du Champs or the ETU LD Du Champs that will be held in conjunction with the Dutch Powerman event
The ETU event actually suits better as it is earlier than the Worlds and longer. It could be good prep for the Outlaw. It will be held on 13 April 14, which is the same day as the National Du Champs - not great planning but there you go; can't have everything.
The niggling hamstring/glute injury is healing slowly and I am still having treatment. But I am getting plenty of low intensity training as base work. Today`s long bike with Newcastle Tri Club was not really low intensity though. At 85 miles the distance alone makes it tough. In these group rides you sort of have to go with the flow and there is no way I could keep a lower intensity and remain in the group. It is a trade off and I know that I would struggle to ride that long on my own.
On the plus side I trialled some new nutrition today in the form of home made rice cakes. I had been feeling jaded towards the end of long rides and I wanted to try this recipe. So an extra 20 miles with a lot more food and drink seemed to do the trick. Still going well at 70 miles though at 80 I started to feel the distance - that is probably my just conditioning. So the secret recipe may well form the fuel for the Outlaw 8-)
Thursday, 14 November 2013
Time to get Back to Normal
Well, as I sit watching a recording of The Outlaw Triathlon I am so wondering how next year will turn out. After taking the longest training break I have ever had! I still have some of the injury problems with the hamstring tendonitis but it is easing. My problem is do I stick with longer distances to aim at or go full out for Standard distance triathlon/duathlon? Long Distance training is far easier on the hamstring but I still want to aim for the World Duathlon Champs in Spain. Now there is also a chance of racing at the European Long Distance Duathlon Champs in April.
For now I will focus on building the training slowly. I have managed a run of 6 miles easy and am now building the cycling.
Training details to follow!
Wednesday, 9 October 2013
After 3 weeks of continuous rehab on this pesky hamstring/glute problem, I am just now starting to feel some improvement. I was getting rather frustrated as the pain was getting worse. However, now it is starting to ease. I have started very light cycling and running for no more than 20 mins. The improvements only started when I really started hurting myself (in a good way!) when completing the rehab exercises. This sounds strange but it was the same when I had my Achilles problem on 2009 - Improvements came when I really got stuck into the eccentric loading. So, I am getting excited, having entered the Outlaw Iron Distance Triathlon, which takes place on 27 July 2014. I have unfinished business with this distance after crawling round Almere Iron Distance event in 2011 with an injury. I managed a 11:38 clocking there, with a painful 4:54 marathon. With a sensible approach this time, I want at least sub 11 hours. I know I should aim for just a finish with a good race based on getting nutrition right; however, I cannot help but aim for some kind of finishing time! I suppose that is just the way I am wired!
Wednesday, 25 September 2013
RAF Cranwell Sprint Champs
The race is done and I am 1 week into total rehab - no training whatsoever. The race did not go too well. However, I finished 5th overall, which was surprising seeing as I completed an extra 50m in the swim and crawled round the run. The result was probably all due to a decent bike split of 36:51 for 3rd fastest of the day. The run was actually 8th fastest of the day but I certainly was not firing as I know I can - or could!
The really good thing about the day was my buddy Si Evans completed his first triathlon. At 16 stone, he is built for power! But he had no expectations and after a couple of swim sessions to try and train to complete the 400m swim, he had managed 12:05 in training. On race day he did it in a fantastic 9:30! I reckon he will do more triathlons.
So now it is time for rehab and more rehab. I need to start training for The Outlaw on 1 December! I need to be healthy and build up slowly to get in shape for 27 July 14 - looking forward to it!

Saturday, 14 September 2013
Let`s Do Rehab - Again
I have had the results from my scan. The prognosis is good and bad. Good in that a problem was found; bad in that recovery may take while.However, I have time - I just need to be sensible!
I have upper hamstring tendinopithy. There are specific exercises to combat this condition. I had already been doin some of these. But I had also been doing some exercises that aggravate the condition. Basically, fast running is not good - anything that stretches the hamstring over the pelvis insert is bad. Cycling can aggravate the c condition because of the position you lock into. So what is good? Strengthening the hammy is a must; but it must be done in a prone position.
My plan is to complete Cranwell Sprint Tri on Wed 18th Sep. I will not race this! We have a team of 4 from Stafford (TSW), which is great because we only have 200 people on the Wing. So it's a social race then rest up and rehab. When I say rest up, I mean tick over. Doc recommended maintaining some form of exercise to keep blood flow and strengthen the hammy. Watch this space - I 'll be back!
Tuesday, 3 September 2013
Last Ride in the Peaks for 2013?
A day off and a recovery ride in the Peaks, with a coffee stop. Some me time and a nice route - most enjoyable. That could have been the last ride in the Peaks for 2013. With some down time and injury rehab coming, it could be 2014 when I next get to venture out into these hills again. I have a scan on Thursday at Stafford Hospital. i so hope that it reveals a problem that can be resolved! I won't know what to do if all is clear!!
I completed 3 miles of run drills and some light conditioning before venturing out. A relaxed day - oh to be a full time triathlete!
2013 Stoke Pro Tour of Britain Sportif
I have not competed that much this year. This is mostly due to injury; but also because I wanted to just ease back into racing after 2012 and focus on 2014. Well I had not envisaged easing into the racing quite so much! It feels like the season has gone before it ever started! I entered this event as it is local for me. I had completed the same event in 2010 with Jase Walkley and enjoyed it. The route skirts very close to my house and takes you into the lovely Derbyshire Peaks. Needless to say, the route gets very lumpy!
Although I was looking forward to it, I had not completed any long training rides. Hence I was slightly apprehensive. Pete Norris was taking part also; he would be my ride buddy. Now Pete had been clocking some major bike miles and had recently clocked a very decent bike split at IMUK.
We met at the start and were quite chilled. Pete's girlfriend, Emily, was riding the Challenge distance of 50 mile. Still a very lumpy route and she would certainly feel the climbs. Me and Pete drifted to the start and were slightly bemused by the fact that we were the only riders rolling up to the start line! Groups of 50 were being released at 5 minute intervals. It turned out that everyone had departed already! We wern't late; just the last! So our peleton of 2 set off in pursuit!
We twisted round the barriers (as you can see) with me ahead of Pete. This would be one of the last times I actually headed Pete. He was an absolute monster and eased up many times on the climbs to allow me back to him.
I felt ok as we cruised along the first 30 miles towards Utoxetter. There were no real climbs of note but my idea of hiding in a big group and saving myself for the bigger climbs was never going to happen now! We started to see riders ahead and we generally rode straight through. Some jumped on our wheels but when the road went up, they disappeared!
There was an RTA near Rocester that held us up a while. It looked bad but it was not cyclists. Once we goot going again we missed a turn to the feed zone and had to back-track. We only stopped for water and were soon on the roller coaster road towards Okemoor - the first real climb of the day. We had a mean headwind too and the average speed of 20mph + was falling fast. But we were eating up riders and spitting them out very rapidly.
Once into the Peaks proper, the hills just kept coming. The routine fell into place - Pete drifted off the front, as I tried to pace myself, scared that I would not manage the distance. At 70 miles, I hit a bad patch and thought that I may totally blow. However, I perked up and began to feel better. At 90 miles, the mental boost of knowing that I could get to the finish no matter what seemed to give me revitalised energy. Maybe I should log that mental feeling for the entire ride next time?
Towards the finish and Pete kicked in some real pace through Longton to Trentham. We picked up a rider who managed to hang on to Pete's wheel and the finish was ours in 5:35. Gold Standard was 6:00 for me and 5:45 for Pete. So we were comfortably within those times. There were a few Pros riding and they were around 5:19. No doubt Pete could have been up there if he was not weighed down by me!
A great day out. Thanks to Pete for making it so enjoyable. It would have been a lonely ride without him. I think he could have just kept riding all day! Emily really enjoyed the Challenge Ride, despite some saddle mechanical issues!
Tuesday, 20 August 2013
Evening 10 Mile TT
The evening g 10 mile TT at Tean will shortly come to a close for the year. I have only managed 4 rides, mostly due to work commitments. But each wideband been slightly faster than the last effort. Last week with rain pouring I had no thoughts of a fast ride. However, I hit a course pb by 21 seconds with a 22:38 clocking. I crawled round the dodgy curves and roundabouts in the wet; so I was very surprised. The wind was favourable I think and this course really does depend on the right wind direction for a fast ride. It rarely blows the right way!
Int Services Standard Triathlon Champs
It has taken a while for me to record this race. I even thought of not bothering. However, in years to come it will help me to remember to train wise and stay healthy.
So, I made the trip to Cotswold Water Park for my first open water triathlon in nearly 2 years. My swimming had not been too bad in the pool but my last open water swim was at the Almere Iron distance race in August 2011. And it showed! Although I felt ok, I was woefully slow at 27:15. I was shocked to see how few bikes were left in transition and I knew that there was no way that I would challenge for a placing in the Vets category - a cat I won in 2011.
I set off on the bike and pretty much red lined the first 5 miles. Not a great idea as I probably lost time overall. But a 1:00:03 split was up there with the faster rides of the day. I had taken it easy on some of the wet roads, so I was happy enough with my ride. I had no experience station from my run as I had lost heaps of training due to injury. I still felt disappointed with my time of 41:15.
Oh well. Let's hope that I can get healthy for next year!

Saturday, 27 July 2013
Buxton Triathlon
This is a late post but worth logging as the result at Buxton Tri was unexpected. I managed to string together a decent swim bike run combo, despite months of broken training periods due to injury (which still linger on). I was probably helped by the fast guys racing at the National Champs in Liverpool, but it was pleasing to get a tri completed - my first tri since Sep 2011! I can thoroughly recommend this race. It is very different to other races I have completed. The bike course is basically either up or down. But the scenery and unpredictable way you have to ride compared to a flatter more `normal` course make it fun. I even had to use a road bike, which is a first for me.
Last week I managed to dip under 23 mins at the local club 10 mile TT With 22:59. So a course pb for me. It`s a good job there are some positives to take from this year!
Thursday, 11 July 2013
25 Mile TT PB! How Come?
Quite how I bagged a 25 Mile TT Pb on 6 July is a mystery to me. But then, the numbers on the turbo were telling me that I was in ok shape on the bike. Even so, I did not expect a PB. My previous best was 55:49, set on the fast E2 course in Cambridgeshire in 2009. I had given up hope of ever beating that time. So a time of 55:26 was very pleasing. The course on the A50 from Belper to Uttoxeter and back seems to be fast. But it was a hot day, which suited me but not others. It was the first time that I had ridden this course and, to be honest, I did not ride it that well. It is not flat and I ended up pushing the hills and gasping for recovery on the flat and declines - not an efficient way to ride. I also came to a stand-still at the turn and, on reflection, I reckon I could have been challenging for a 54+ time if I had ridden differently.
The pic above is my getting out the saddle after the roundabout that takes you up the slip road to the A50. It's about a mile after the start and the picture reminds me that red lining it so soon is not a good idea! A good 25 mile TT is all about pacing!
Next Sunday I am attempting the Buxton Sprint Triathlon. This will be my first Tri since Aug 2011! Sadly, I am still suffering with sciatica issues. I will get round but it will not be pretty or fast!
Race report to follow!
Thursday, 4 July 2013
Not Going Anywhere
Well there goes another 6 weeks of limping from injury to illness and back to injury. The season really is a wipe out. I had to withdraw from The Dambuster back in June due to a hip injury. Plus I till have the troublesome sciatica problem. I have done minimal running but although I am virtually pain free cycling, I reckon the bike is greatly contributing to this sciatica issue. So what to do? I have a 25 mile TT this Saturday and then Buxton Sprint Tri the following weekend. I aim to race these events to get something out of this year but only to experience the race feel again. I cannot expect any result. That said, the turbo tells me I am cycling ok. Plus I had a course pb on the Tean 10 mile TT the other week at 23:06.
We'll see what happens on Saturday but I need to get rid of this stomach bug!
Saturday, 25 May 2013
Sidelined Again
Well it has been suggested that I am experiencing good season bad season syndrome. Actually, it is more like good season, no season, bad season. I will take that as long as next year holds to form and I have a good year as I move to the 50 - 54 age group. Since Cambridge Du and the Inter Services Du I have been trying to refocus and build the training again. The twisted ankle from the Hullavington race really did not help things and I had to take a break from running. But the real spanner in the works has been this sciatic problem affecting my glute and hamstring. I am running like a lame donkey at best and I cannot see my racing triathlon at a decent level for a while. I will attempt to race at the RAF Odiham Sprint Tri on 5 June but I will just focus on enjoying the event - my first tri since Almere Ironman back in Aug 2011!.
I have managed to keep the bike training going, though no real mileage. To assess my bike fitness I entered the Stone 25 mile TT last weekend. It was a joy to go full gas on a dual carriageway but the wind was
Outrageous, with a Gail wind taking me through the first 10 miles under 20 min. I had been tweaking my TT bike position and these pics show it is not too bad

As for swimming, it is not going too badly - not great,but good enough to get by.
Later. . .

Wednesday, 1 May 2013
Not Quite As Planned!
Since the Dambuster Du things have not exactly gone to plan. I had hoped to build into some form and be speedy for the Inter Services Du, which was held on 24 April 13. After the Dambuster freeze fest my training suffered from a combination of illness and missed sessions due to work. Hence, when the time came to race Cambridge Duathlon on 14 Apr I was not in great shape - and the result showed that fact. I was 6 min slower than 2011. True, it was windy but it was my running that was dire. I sort of blew up on the first run and clocked 28:32. In 2011 I ran 28:00 and was easing up. The second run was a pure sufferfest. I clocked 30:52, against 28:01 in 2011. I just could not run. Quite worrying really but the lack of run training may be all the problem is.
And so to the Int Services Du last week. Well it was not a complete disaster like Cambridge was. The first run did not feel good and I was slow - the first time ever that I have been outside 17 min on that course, clocking 18:23. I felt stronger on the bike and, although slow at 30:12, I was the second fastest RAF bod. I actually felt better than I thought I would on the second run and managed to pull off an ok overall place - 15th I think. The worst part was putting my foot in a hole as I finished, face planting a metre from the line. A Navy chap zipped in front of me as I picked myself up and bagged the Vets 3rd place spot. I am not that bothered about that but I am concerned about my bad run form. And now, with a very sore and swollen ankle, running is again hampered.
I am trying to regroup but need to be healthy! I managed to ride a local TT last night, which I really enjoyed and managed around 23:20; so my biking is not far away from where it needs to be.
Just need to run more! Oh, and I am swimming ok. . . . ish!
Some pics from Cambridge(looking unhappy) and the Int Serv Du (falling over!)

Sunday, 17 March 2013
Racing Again!

Saturday, 16 February 2013
Confidence - Going. . . going. . . gone?
The weather since the end of November has really been rubbish. Hence bike commuting ground to a halt and the turbo trainer and myself started a new phase in our relationship. Yes, that machine always ends up hurting me but I keep going back for more! So through Christmas and January I have been hitting some serious brick sessions and feeling strong. Confidence was up and I was looking forward to the Althorp Duathlon today (16 Feb 13). Firstly, due to the weather the event has been postponed until 2 March 13. Actually the weather is fine today but I understand that it is a water logged field that is the problem - transition in a field during Feb?
I picked up a bug last Tuesday so the delay is actually not bad for me. There is no way I could race today. My issue now is that I feel like any decent shape that I was in for some early season triathlons has gone. I commuted to work on my bike yesterday and felt awful. Now I must take more rest and feel more confidence draining away. This whole scenario is so me! I have been like this so many times but always bounced back. I guess after a 2012 of no racing I am finding it hard to believe I can do what I did in 2011.
I need to smash a decent turbo set out and run some fast mile efforts to get that confidence back - that won`t happen today! Maybe tomorrow?
Friday, 4 January 2013
2013 Training Well
2013 is here! That means that the duathlon races are just around the corner! Eek!! I have completed some decent sessions since New Year. And, unusually for me, I have started to record my training! I suppose the driver for this was the continued use of the tacx turbo. I needed a session to measure progress. So I have devised a brick session based on 2 x 5 min bike efforts and 2 x 1 momentum efforts. The format works well as there is emphasis on riding hard after running hard, as well as running off the bike.
I also got my longest ride since I can remember, with 3 1/2 hrs cycling in the Peak District.There are no easy rides around these parts - it`s just too hilly to spin easy!
Back to work soon Monday. Let`s see how training goes with the crazy work season. It`s going to be busy!
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