More contemplation from me this weekend. I like numbers – yes, I know, that sounds weird! In my youth, when I was seriously into running and athletics, I used to love scouring the record books and noting the fantastic times that mega talented athletes had clocked. Without realising, I began to memorise these times. Back in the early 80s I was able to recall every running world and Olympic record there was! I figured this weekend that my youthful infatuation was still with me! This is why I like searching results and analysing time splits within a triathlon. More recently, my interest has focussed on the time the cyclists do in a time trial competition. Could my strange interest in numbers be the reason that I like time trials? I love striving to amend my PB and searching through the results.
This year, due to my Achilles injury, I have competed at far more TTs than normal. As in my youth, I am drawn to the focus on times. True, there are many factors to consider when riding a time trial – conditions, terrain, road surface. But when it comes down to the basics, it is about numbers! It is a race against yourself, in an effort to beat your best time over a set distance. Of course, there are specific ‘course’ PBs to be categorised within an overall PB. This just makes things even more interesting!
There we have it; I like numbers. Here are my latest numbers from the 10 mile TT I did on Saturday on the F1/B 10 course:
Time - 21:23
Average speed – 28:05 mph
A massive overall PB and a guaranteed course PB because I had never ridden that course! It was still but steady drizzle made the road slippy at the roundabouts. No excuses! Happy enough with that!
1 comment:
I'm with you dude - numbers and maps. I have an excel spreadsheet that tells me all my jumps, how many of each type of chute i've jumped, despatched and supervised, how many feet and metres i've fallen, how many minutes and hours i've spent in the air...if i could apply this to my training, I'd be fit in no time!
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