Things are pretty hectic at home at the moment and fitting in long course training and all the other 'stuff' that needs to be done is impossible. However, on Monday I did my long run of the week at 0500. I never feel that good when running early morning and Monday was no exception! It was a real plod! I normally swim early morning and run later in the day and I can hack the training ok. This time, with the run early and swim later in the day, I was absolutely exhausted! I dragged myself through swim set and felt as though I could sleep on the pool side! I was also starving and perfected the art of eating and showering at the same time.
So what is it about switching the 2 sessions? Maybe it is the amount of energy expended on the run so early in the day - I couldn't get enough carbs back in the body before the swim? Oh well, let's hope some better runs are ahead of me.
As you know, I have been struggling with my swimming. I keep in contact with a good friend of mine, Dave 'Big Fish' Lowe. He is a great swimmer (ex-RAF Triathlete way back; some of you may remember him?). I met him at St Mawgan and he is responsible for taking my 100m pb from 1:47 to 1:19 back in 2004........yes, the 1:47 was a single flat out 100m! I am down to 1:16 now. Anyway, Dave sent me some swim sessions recently and I dabbled with one yesterday (too tired to do the entire session). There are some good drills in the session and I actually started to feel better in the water. Some new stimulation was just what I needed. It just goes to show how easy it is to lose focus when swimming. With swimming, the more help and technique advise you can get the better...but it has to be constant. I fell into the trap of plodding up and down accepting my place in the back of the swim pack! Thanks to Dave I now feel that I can move forward again.
Train well bloggers!
Sags mate, the problem was more likely that you were insufficiently fuelled for your long run so early in the morning. At that time you are probably dehydrated as well. Consequently your body will be in catch up mode during the day and then "wham!" you hit it with another session. Did you have breakfast before you ran? Did you have supper before bed? Or did you have tea/dinner at 6pm(ish) and then nothing else before the morning? You would also need to refuel properly after your run. Take a good look at your nutrition plan and add some good energy providing foods and see how that works.
Yep, it's all about fuelling, that was classic 'fat burn' running because that's the only usable fuel your body had available. What training did you do the evening before, that will make a difference too. If you don't fuel you will fall into the overtraining trap and that's really hard to get out of.
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