Today is 16 Oct 22. Time to review the purpose of this Blog - again! It is 2 years since the last review. 🤕 2022 was shaping up well and I was on track for a decent middle distance Duathlon race. Then COVID hit me! I tried to salvage the race season but never felt strong or healthy. Looking to 2023 now and focussing on being healthy and some sprint Duathlon racing mixed with some bike TT fun on the Canyon CF

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Friday 27 June 2008

Bad Swimming

Swimming is not going well lately. I am going so slowly and not really finding a rhythm. Every time I swim it feels like I have a different stroke technique. I suppose that I will just have to accept that I will get my swim to the standard of my bike and run. The good news is that over the 4k swim at Almere, losing 10 mins in the swim is not really that bad – I could lose far more if I blow up on the 30k run!

Managed a brick session today with Mark Hutch. I have mentioned Mark before; he has great potential on the bike and run – he just needs some consistent training. We did 4 x (5k bike/1k run), the idea being that you stay constant effort on the bike and increase the run pace as you get more fatigued. Mark did the first 3 bricks and then had to go; so I went berserk on the last rep…….as you can see from the 1k run times:

3:53, 3:42, 3:27, 3:09

Ideally I would have liked to have completed 5 or 6 of these bricks but there was not enough time to squeeze them in. Happy with the 3:09 last effort though.


Iron Girl said...

Consistent training! You've hit the nail on the head. Consistency is my goal.

Kelda said...

And you are training for what pray Mr Sagster? Long course wasn't it, so what's with the mad 1k splits! LOL! I'm looking forward to taking 10 mins off you on the run when you blow up, :-)

Turbo Man said...


Don't beat yourself up about your swimming, just aim to finish the 4km feeling fresh! LOL!!! Just typing that makes me go weak at the knees! The thought of 4km swimming? I think I would be asleep by halfway - bored out of my skull! :-)

I assume the short fast runs are following the "Train Short to Race Long" methodology?

Michael said...

Mark, if you fancy going for a long swim one day pop up and we will go around the lake with the boys. We are meeting Most Sat morns and every Mon and Thur Eve. You don't have to do the distance to race the competition. I have never, will ever work on that principle. Consistancy is the key you just need to unlock your LC potential my young padawan learner!

Sags said...

Train short race long.....mmmmm yes something like that! Can't find time to get the long sessions in 8-(