Look at this horrible little plant. Imagine hundreds more growing like crazy due to the freaky wet and warm English weather. Now imagine a silly runner going down a country path and deciding to carry on despite the mad over grown nettles making the path invisible - yes, it was me 8-( My legs got covered in stings so badly that I could not sleep last night! After 30 miles of biking and 11 miles of running I normally have no problem sleeping. Yesterday, though, I was up pacing the kitchen, raiding the cereal cupboard at midnight.....eating is a good way to take your mind off that fact that your legs are burning from nettle stings. And they still burn this morning! i must have encountered a particularly virulent strain of nettle. Enough complaining though! This week is my last big training volume week. Monday was a 3.3k swim set which included 2.5k continuous (the 4k swim in Almere is driving me on to swim further!), and an easy 30 miles on the bike. Felt ok, considering the TT brick session the day before. Tuesday was another EZ 30 miles into work (felt awful!) and an EZ 11 mile run - complete with nettle episode above. I wanted to get to the local bike TT this evening but that won't happen for various reasons. So, it's turbo time! A full on hard turbo session should replicate the TT effort well.....looking forward to that!
you silly boy! who would be daft enough to run through all the nettles? only someone on a mission I guess!
You mad fool.
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