What drives you bloggers to dip into the hurt zone....to pull funny faces in pain.....to dive into the hurt box?!! I'll let you into a secret. My motivation at the moment is improving enough to challenge:
a. Team Reardon. with all the high tech training approach young Andy has (not to mention the expense!), I would love to be at least close to him using my experimental, illogical over training methods!
b. Mat Stephenson as he makes a comeback attempt (though with all Mat's problems I would be more than happy to see him back to his best....where I would be no where near him!).
c. Beat......ok, realism....... get close to Daz 'fast man' Sharpe.
d. My aging process!
If I think that I am wimping out in a session, you guys are on my mind. Scary thought eh!
Q.Why do I hurt myself?
A.Because I know if I am hurting myself, then it means the others are hurting to keep up or keep ahead. So really I hurt myself because I like hurting other people!
Cool Daz. You think like me!
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