Monday, 5 December 2016
Another Year. . . . .2016
Another year ticks by. In triathlon terms, it has not been great. But the highlight was winning the Riyadh Tiathletes 2016 Race Series. I did not perform as I would expect but the races were extremely enjoyable. The club committe really do pull out all the stops to make events different and fun. Yet they also cater for the serious racer.
I collected my series champ glassware in the car park as I was unable to make the presentation evening at the UK Embassy
The triathlon races were fun, in that they were short and hard on a small circuit; or longer on a long windy road circuit. There were a couple of multiple duathlon and swim/run races thrown in too. So thank you very much Riyadh Triathletes, the fantastic committee and helpers too.
It s looking like I will be returning to the UK for 2017. Not sure of the racing plot. I think 2017 will be a transition year. Maybe I should keep my powder dry and rebuild for the next age group!
Here is my triathlon year. . . . .
Monday, 17 October 2016
Final Duathlon of the Season
The race season is coming to an end here in Riyadh. Starting in April, the season comprises 16 races of varying formats – swim/run, swim/bike/run, run/bike/run and run/bike/run/bike/run/bike/run. To qualify for the season championships, 8 races must be completed. Last Friday I managed to complete my 8th race and am now in the running for the overall Riyadh Triathletes series competition. But the race did not go so well. I managed 3rd overall, behind Gareth Gallagher and Kris Ahlin. Gareth has been flying recently, now that he has recovered from injury that held him back at the start of the season. Kris is returning to racing in Saudi following a great Ironman Sweden result – in the 9:30s if I remember correctly. So I had my work cut out keeping up with these 2 guys!
Whilst not wanting to be full of excuses, my arthritis (still can’t believe that I actually have this illness!) has been bad lately. My toe is no better and the forefoot is still swollen. This has curtailed my running. In fact, I now wonder if my general health and wellbeing is lower since the arthritis. Everything feels so much harder when training!
Anyway, this race – a duathlon of 8.3k/43k/6.7k – was tough on the toe. I never really felt strong; but then training has been rather bitty due to travelling with work and the whole health thing playing on my mind. The first run saw Gareth launch in to his normal 3:30 per k pace. Kris went with him but I backed off and settled in to 3:50 pace. I maintained this pace all the way during the first run and it paid off as Kriss came back to me at around 5k. Gareth was long gone as I came into T1 just ahead of Kris. I had a sluggish T1, with a helmet phaff! The bike consisted of 7 laps of a technical and undulating course. I held my second place for the first lap; however, Kris then found his bike legs and cruised past me. He is known strong cyclist and I tried to go with him but he edged further in front each lap. As we came into T2, he was about 90 secs ahead of me. I gave the run a good blast but did not make any gains on Kris, He runs well off the bike and finished his recent IM marathon in 3:24. So there it was. 3rd place and a throbbing foot! I am not sure if that result will ensure the overall series win for me. With an Olympic Triathlon race left as the last event, I could bag a better 8th counting race as neither Kris nor Gareth are strong swimmers. Neither am I to be fare! But I reckon I could get a 3 min advantage on them in the pool. The trouble is, I am in the UK moving house for a week prior to this triathlon and am not going to get any training completed. I will be tired and stale; or rested and sharp! I suspect tied and stale will be more likely!

Final Duathlon of the Season
The race season is coming to an end here in Riyadh. Starting in April, the season comprises 16 races of varying formats – swim/run, swim/bike/run, run/bike/run and run/bike/run/bike/run/bike/run. To qualify for the season championships, 8 races must be completed. Last Friday I managed to complete my 8th race and am now in the running for the overall Riyadh Triathletes series competition. But the race did not go so well. I managed 3rd overall, behind Gareth Gallagher and Kris Ahlin. Gareth has been flying recently, now that he has recovered from injury that held him back at the start of the season. Kris is returning to racing in Saudi following a great Ironman Sweden result – in the 9:30s if I remember correctly. So I had my work cut out keeping up with these 2 guys!
Whilst not wanting to be full of excuses, my arthritis (still can’t believe that I actually have this illness!) has been bad lately. My toe is no better and the forefoot is still swollen. This has curtailed my running. In fact, I now wonder if my general health and wellbeing is lower since the arthritis. Everything feels so much harder when training!
Anyway, this race – a duathlon of 8.3k/43k/6.7k – was tough on the toe. I never really felt strong; but then training has been rather bitty due to travelling with work and the whole health thing playing on my mind. The first run saw Gareth launch in to his normal 3:30 per k pace. Kris went with him but I backed off and settled in to 3:50 pace. I maintained this pace all the way during the first run and it paid off as Kriss came back to me at around 5k. Gareth was long gone as I came into T1 just ahead of Kris. I had a sluggish T1, with a helmet phaff! The bike consisted of 7 laps of a technical and undulating course. I held my second place for the first lap; however, Kris then found his bike legs and cruised past me. He is known strong cyclist and I tried to go with him but he edged further in front each lap. As we came into T2, he was about 90 secs ahead of me. I gave the run a good blast but did not make any gains on Kris, He runs well off the bike and finished his recent IM marathon in 3:24. So there it was. 3rd place and a throbbing foot! I am not sure if that result will ensure the overall series win for me. With an Olympic Triathlon race left as the last event, I could bag a better 8th counting race as neither Kris nor Gareth are strong swimmers. Neither am I to be fare! But I reckon I could get a 3 min advantage on them in the pool. The trouble is, I am in the UK moving house for a week prior to this triathlon and am not going to get any training completed. I will be tired and stale; or rested and sharp! I suspect tied and stale will be more likely!

Saturday, 1 October 2016
Riyadh Triathletes 2016 Double Duathlon
Last week I returned to Ranco Date Farm to compete in the Riyadh Triathletes Double Duathlon. This was an event I won last year - admittedly due to the fast boys being absent! I had tried to complete a mini-build period to find some form for this race and the remaining Riyadh races.
After suffering with a chronic knee problem last year due to psoriatic arthritis I really wanted to be pain free. However, no sooner had the knee pain eased due to a drain and steroid injection, when my toe flared up with the same issue as the knee. I now await another drain and steroid injection. I really hope that this works again as the toe is impacting my training far more than my knee did. How can such a small body part bring so much pain!
Anyway, despite lack of decent run training I was pleased to be on the start line for this race, ready to suck up some toe pain! Maybe if I pushed the race hard enough the exertion would cancel out the toe pain and I wouldn't feel anything!
The format was 4k/10k/3k/10k/2k/10k/1k The first run saw Gareth Gallagher shoot off, maintaining 3:30 per k pace. I knew I could not run that fast and settled into my own Rhythm. He disappeared into the distance but I was clear enough in second. I had a good first bike split and made up some time, entering T1 as Gareth was leaving g for his 3k run. That was pretty much the race plot; Gareth pulling away on the run with my trying (and failing!) to catch him on bike legs.
I finished 2nd and was closer to Gareth than the previous duathlon we raced. I can't see my ever returning to run at 3:30 pace. The old body just can't muster the speed! But I know I can be strong. Hence the focus returns to long distance - Ironman goal is set! Outlaw 2017 is entered! Excited about this but I need a measured build up with a focus on staying healthy.
Some pics from Ranco Farm. It isn't flat! And the course is technical - not good for a bike handling biff like me!

Thursday, 25 August 2016
Back to Racing - Just Too Well!
Last Friday I returned to racing at the Riyadh Triathletes Duathlon at Ranco Farm. The distance was 6.7k/24k/3.3k. After a break in the race series I was really looking forward to this race. Training had been consistent, if affected somewhat by niggling injuries - Achilles, hip, toe! I managed to finish second overall, with Gareth Gallagher taking the win by a big margin. He hammered the first run, maintaining 3:30 per k pace. Whilst I think in my old head that I should still be able to run at that pace, I clearly cannot!
I maintained an even pace of 3:49 per k, quickly realizing that I could not match Gareth's pace. Once on the bike, I tried to close the gap on the hilly and technical course; however, Gareth simply rode away from us all. I didn't feel great on the bike and I am wondering if I should train differently. The second run was not far but it was getting seriously hot by then and I slipped outside 4:00 per k pace. This didn't please me at all as I had been consistent with my bike/run training.
Oh well, keep the focus on enjoying the fact that I can still race. The Outlaw came and went in the UK and it was a fast day in Nottingham. Pete Norris and Matt Stephenson grabbed great times, with Matt bagging the age group record. I am starting to think that my chances of a sub-10 hour Ironman are all but gone. Training here in Saudi does not seem to bring the best out of me!
I was back in the UK for a course a few weeks ago and visited the Congleton Park Run. I pushed hard for an 18:19 time, finishing 6th. Again, I really think I should be faster. Time to rethink what I want to achieve I think!
some pics from the Du

Friday, 22 July 2016
After finishing my last race I decided to re-group and complete a mini-build training period in preparation for the second half of the Riyadh Triathletes race series. So far so good. I am certainly running more than I have been all year. The knee is holding out - still painful but having almost full mobility is a big bonus. Additionally, I am able to complete conditioning work in the gym. I am convinced that when I undertake strength work - core, squats, cleans, nordic lowers etc - my running becomes more fluid and I am lighter on my feet. The problem I have right now is being able to run outside. The heat is up to 48 degrees and the only time that it drops to around 30 degrees is 0500. Whilst I do run at this time, the legs are just too sleepy for any intense work.
Biking is either at 0500 or banished to the turbo in the kitchen - immensely grateful to Julie who does not mind the turbo permanently located in the kitchen!
I should be just thankful that I can run! The achilles' are aching a bit lately' So I will keep an eye on this and increase the prehab!
My swimming is not going so well. A niggling shoulder problem is preventing any full blown swim schedule. This is a real shame as I enjoy swimming and I was making decent progress - well, when I say progress, I mean not getting slower!
Yesterday's session, as an example of the re-group work, was 40 mins turbo as 40 sec 120% FTP/20 sec easy. Then 2k tempo treadmil run (6:30 per mile pace). Then strength circuit. Then 20 min turbo 40/20 efforts again. Then 10 x 400m treadmill efforts at 5:30 per mile pace. Then strength circuit. Warm down turbo. A tough session but I think this type of work is essential for the more mature triathlete!
Next race is mid-August, which will be a duathlon. If the running and bike work progresses as it is at the moment I will be ready 8-)
Saturday, 11 June 2016
Riyadh Triathletes Standard Distance Race - 3 June 16
Whilst I have been racing the Riyadh Triathletes events since April, I now think I should take the season more seriously and try and add some structure to my training for the second half of the race series. Here in KSA it is normal to take a break during Ramadan and also July. Hence the next race is not until 31 July 16. The Standard Distance race on 3 June was somewhat of an uncomfortable venture. I was not long back from the UK after a week of being busy sorting stuff for my daughters. Add to that a number of delays with our return flight and training had been virtually non-existent. But I was eager to keep the racing going and maintain my attempt to do well overall with the 2016 series.
The swim was lovely. The pool is outdoors and in a very nice setting. I chugged along to finish with a 24:51 clocking. I was happy enough but I reckon I am good for at least a minute quicker if I get my finger out and train harder in the pool. I ended up towing one of my rivals along for about 20 lengths, only breaking the elastic after putting in a burst for 50m
The bike was basically ride for 5 miles to the 'humps' and then complete 15 miles up and down before returning 5 miles to the compound. The 5 mile segment is bumpy and in the Saudi public domain. I am never content with this and end up bimbling along. I managed the fastest bike split but never felt strong - lack of training showing.
By the time the run began I knew I had a lead, but not as much of a gap to second as in previous races. I ran cautiously, not wanting to over-cook the pace in the heat. My pace was slow but I thought I could pick it up if I was caught. As it was nobody did catch me. However, I question whether I could have upped the pace if I had needed to!

So it is now a mini-build period. This is aided by the fact that I have now had my knee drained! Also, some steroid injected. What an improvement this has had on mobility and pain relief! I am a new man! I have commenced conditioning training again and feel much better doing so. The long-term issue is that I have psoriatic arthritis. Hence I may feel the symptoms of fatigue and the return of joint swelling and pain. I am just seeing how things work out and hopefully this mini-build period will see my returning to the form I showed last year.
The knee drain is a procedure that I can have repeated if needed. It was not that painful and worth every ounce of pain anyway!
Best of luck to all my UK buddies racing during June, July and August. So many IM events to watch and follow! The Outlaw should be a belter as Ironmat will be racing - I am a big fan 8-).
My next race is 31 July. I aim to smash it. . . . .
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