The race season is coming to an end here in Riyadh. Starting in April, the season comprises 16 races of varying formats – swim/run, swim/bike/run, run/bike/run and run/bike/run/bike/run/bike/run. To qualify for the season championships, 8 races must be completed. Last Friday I managed to complete my 8th race and am now in the running for the overall Riyadh Triathletes series competition. But the race did not go so well. I managed 3rd overall, behind Gareth Gallagher and Kris Ahlin. Gareth has been flying recently, now that he has recovered from injury that held him back at the start of the season. Kris is returning to racing in Saudi following a great Ironman Sweden result – in the 9:30s if I remember correctly. So I had my work cut out keeping up with these 2 guys!
Whilst not wanting to be full of excuses, my arthritis (still can’t believe that I actually have this illness!) has been bad lately. My toe is no better and the forefoot is still swollen. This has curtailed my running. In fact, I now wonder if my general health and wellbeing is lower since the arthritis. Everything feels so much harder when training!
Anyway, this race – a duathlon of 8.3k/43k/6.7k – was tough on the toe. I never really felt strong; but then training has been rather bitty due to travelling with work and the whole health thing playing on my mind. The first run saw Gareth launch in to his normal 3:30 per k pace. Kris went with him but I backed off and settled in to 3:50 pace. I maintained this pace all the way during the first run and it paid off as Kriss came back to me at around 5k. Gareth was long gone as I came into T1 just ahead of Kris. I had a sluggish T1, with a helmet phaff! The bike consisted of 7 laps of a technical and undulating course. I held my second place for the first lap; however, Kris then found his bike legs and cruised past me. He is known strong cyclist and I tried to go with him but he edged further in front each lap. As we came into T2, he was about 90 secs ahead of me. I gave the run a good blast but did not make any gains on Kris, He runs well off the bike and finished his recent IM marathon in 3:24. So there it was. 3rd place and a throbbing foot! I am not sure if that result will ensure the overall series win for me. With an Olympic Triathlon race left as the last event, I could bag a better 8th counting race as neither Kris nor Gareth are strong swimmers. Neither am I to be fare! But I reckon I could get a 3 min advantage on them in the pool. The trouble is, I am in the UK moving house for a week prior to this triathlon and am not going to get any training completed. I will be tired and stale; or rested and sharp! I suspect tied and stale will be more likely!

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