Last week I returned to Ranco Date Farm to compete in the Riyadh Triathletes Double Duathlon. This was an event I won last year - admittedly due to the fast boys being absent! I had tried to complete a mini-build period to find some form for this race and the remaining Riyadh races.
After suffering with a chronic knee problem last year due to psoriatic arthritis I really wanted to be pain free. However, no sooner had the knee pain eased due to a drain and steroid injection, when my toe flared up with the same issue as the knee. I now await another drain and steroid injection. I really hope that this works again as the toe is impacting my training far more than my knee did. How can such a small body part bring so much pain!

Anyway, despite lack of decent run training I was pleased to be on the start line for this race, ready to suck up some toe pain! Maybe if I pushed the race hard enough the exertion would cancel out the toe pain and I wouldn't feel anything!
The format was 4k/10k/3k/10k/2k/10k/1k The first run saw Gareth Gallagher shoot off, maintaining 3:30 per k pace. I knew I could not run that fast and settled into my own Rhythm. He disappeared into the distance but I was clear enough in second. I had a good first bike split and made up some time, entering T1 as Gareth was leaving g for his 3k run. That was pretty much the race plot; Gareth pulling away on the run with my trying (and failing!) to catch him on bike legs.
I finished 2nd and was closer to Gareth than the previous duathlon we raced. I can't see my ever returning to run at 3:30 pace. The old body just can't muster the speed! But I know I can be strong. Hence the focus returns to long distance - Ironman goal is set! Outlaw 2017 is entered! Excited about this but I need a measured build up with a focus on staying healthy.

Some pics from Ranco Farm. It isn't flat! And the course is technical - not good for a bike handling biff like me!

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