To try and update you all with happenings, I will complete a brain dump of stuff! I have started my new job, which is based at Marshal Aerospace in Cambridge. The location is great. It's 5 mins away from a swimming pool and expanse of heath land that is spot on for off road running. My commute is 20 miles exactly by bike. The route is pretty much flat. At the moment

Overall, I have managed to be consistent with training. However, it has been haphazard and I do feel as though I am behind where I should be! But then I always say that!
I have done a couple of bike time trials. The first evening club 10 mile TT was held in very cold and windy conditions. I clocked 24:20. My course PB for this is 22:52. I also did an Open 25 mile TT. Again, it was Baltic and frost was on the ground as I started quite early in the 90 strong field. I clocked 1:00:39 and was disappointed not to break the hour. I have a course PB of 58:30 for this. Finishing 14th was not too bad but, last year, I had pretty much got used to breaking the hour no matter what the course was like. Maybe I will pick up as the season rolls on.
On 21 April I did the Inter Services Duathlon. The weather was better for this and I really enjoyed the event. I actually won the Vets competition but this was only due to the fast boys not attending! The results are here:
My strategy was to cruise the first run (mindful of my achilles) and then ease into the bike for the first 3 laps. then kick the effort in on the next 2 laps and relax more on the final 6th lap. This worked well but didn't prevent some calf cramp as the second run started.
I have been suffering with a bad tummy lately and that ruled me out of the Rutland Sportif that I had planned to complete last Sat with JC. he had a great ride to get the 5th fastest time of the day. Sorry to let you down John.
My swimming is going OKish. It will be good enough to get round some triathlons this year! As for my running, I was surprised to clock 17:05 at the Inter-Services Duathlon. It was an accurate 5k too! The trouble is, I need to be in decent shape for half ironman distance and I just don't think I have the training in the bank to pull off a decent 13.1 miles. I will find out on 29 May because I have entered the Beaver Middle Distance Tri. EEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKK! The course is meant to contain some nasty hills - just like being back in Bristol!
More updates to come as I have a club 10 mile T tomorrow. Train well Bloggers!
Just looked at the duathlon results Sags, you can't play the "i'm injured card" anymore! I would say you are back mate.
Great to read about your results Sags, well deserved, a bit less training seems to have suited you at the Duathlon.
Try Primal for the tummy issues - it's a well known cure-all! LOL! If even Turboman is admitting it works there must be something in it!
Made a spelling oopsie!
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