I am a frustrated man! I ran and completed some swim drills on Monday of this week but since then I have not been well. I can't seem to shift the flu-like symptoms that I have at the moment. I have managed a couple of swim drill sessions since Monday, but that is all I have done. I don't want to train when feeling rotten as I know that my body will react in a very bad way. However, mentally, when I can't train, I am not a happy bunny! My frustration grows day by day and my bike sits in the garage ..............unused and ready to go, complete with new race blade mud guards to fend off the ever present rain.
I am posted back to RAF Wyton on Monday. This means that I will have to re-work my training routine. This should not be too difficult and the change will probably do me good. I will, however, maintain the short and sharp methods.
i hope to make the Sunday ride with the club but if I am not 100% I will join the more leisurely group to ensure that I do not push myself too hard.
Train well bloggers
Hi dude
shake that bug and get training!
gloves look funky? all my bike is on the turbo at the moment, winds are pretty full on here!!!
Give it time mr saggers, get it out of your system before your usual bull in a china shop approach to training.
Slowly does it when you're under the weather Anaerobic Man.
Take care
Rest well Sags, it'll be worth it in the end.
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