Friday, 28 November 2008

Tuesday, 25 November 2008
Frostbite? Not Any More!
Monday, 24 November 2008
Weather Blues!

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Monday, 17 November 2008
Eureka Moments

Friday, 14 November 2008
Training Moves On!

Wednesday, 12 November 2008
Henlow 10
Friday, 7 November 2008
Cadence is Slow!
In a previous post I mentioned that I have taken to pushing a bigger gear at a low cadence. Today was the same. I felt much better pushing out 85 rpm in a bigger gear. Not sure if this is good or bad. Maybe by the summer I will need a larger chain ring! Incidentally, did anyone else see the article in last week’s Cycling Weekly about the guy who uses a 72 tooth chain ring!! His bike must look like it is carrying a spare wheel on the side! Anyway, I am now in search of a 55 tooth chain set for my race bike ……………..lovely!
My run efforts were ok but my legs are still aching from the conditioning session last Wednesday. I was consistent with 3:42 per kilometre which is ok since I had just stumbled off the bike. I feel nice and ‘worked’ now and ready for a rest day tomorrow before hitting the St Ives CC clubrun on Sunday – another 70 miles coming up.
Next Wednesday is the Henlow 10 mile road race. I have competed in this for the last 2 years but somehow I got roped into organising this years’ event! Hence I will not be running this year but I will be dashing around with my head on fire making sure all runs smoothly! Hope to see some of you bloggers at Henlow on the 12 November.
Train well. Blog well.
Thursday, 6 November 2008
Why do we Like to Hurt Ourselves?!
What drives you bloggers to dip into the hurt zone....to pull funny faces in pain.....to dive into the hurt box?!! I'll let you into a secret. My motivation at the moment is improving enough to challenge:
a. Team Reardon. with all the high tech training approach young Andy has (not to mention the expense!), I would love to be at least close to him using my experimental, illogical over training methods!
b. Mat Stephenson as he makes a comeback attempt (though with all Mat's problems I would be more than happy to see him back to his best....where I would be no where near him!).
c. Beat......ok, realism....... get close to Daz 'fast man' Sharpe.
d. My aging process!
If I think that I am wimping out in a session, you guys are on my mind. Scary thought eh!
Sunday, 2 November 2008
The Lurgy!
Hopefully, I can get back to normal training this week. That said, I will have to concentrate on wrapping stuff up at work because I am posted back to Wyton in a few weeks. Not having to commute to Henlow will be nice but I will have to see how that land lies with training. I may have to rely on some early morning sessions to begin with. Swimming will be back at Huntingdon so no more personal pool time, like I had at Henlow! More news on the power levels during my bike sessions coming up.......
Train well bloggers