This race was the third in a series that I am using to hone some form for The Outlaw Ironman race on 27 July. To be honest I had thought about not racing this event as the Grafman middle distance and The Dambuster Standard distance had taken quite a bit out of the old legs! However, I had been selected for the Senior team (as opposed to the Vets) despite being 50 years young in 2 months. So I thought that I would give it a shot. Also, I raced the same event last year (as a Vet) and reckoned comparing the 2 performances would be handy.
The Inter-Services event gets better every year and huge thanks to all those guys behind the scenes who make the spectacle such a spectacle! The DBMax event crew put on a great race AND most importantly, 9Bar provided post-race nutrition

The difference this year was that I had completed no speed work what so ever. It was mighty hot this year - just the way I like it. The swim was a 2 lap course, which was different to 2013. Plus you can never really compare open water courses as the differ so much. I had been swimming well in the pool and was hopeful of a decent open water venture. I was quite disappointed to come out in a sluggish 27 mins! The first lap had been scrappy but I felt good on the second lap, passing plenty of swimmers and sighting more - note to self: sight more often for a straighter swim! Once into T1 it was good to see that many folk were slower than expected. Comparing where you finish against known swimmers is probably the best way of rating your swim. I was about 2 mins off the pace from where I would like to be - same old story!

On to the bike and I concentrated on easing into the pace. This didn't work very well and I red lined it from the off. The trouble with being a weaker swimmer but stronger biker is that you are always catching slower cyclists. This means that cars, lorries Etc get caught in between me and slower cyclists ahead. I end up being held up significantly a I will not risk death by over taking inappropriately. Being held up in this race was probably the worst I have experienced. It is difficult to put a time lost figure on the frustrating incident but I just have to accept it. Overall I was pleased to be only 20 seconds slower than the previous year. The bike leg felt like a blast. . . Blow. . . Recover series!

I remember suffering badly on the run in 2013, clocking my worst 10k split ever in a triathlon. This year, despite blown legs from the bike, I eased into the run holding back, as I have done all year when racing. The 3 lap run suited me as I could work each lap changing the effort levels. By the second lap I was feeling smooth and upped the pace. Into the final lap and I maintained the effort, rather than go crazy (Ironman in 3 weeks!). A 39:03 split was satisfying and most importantly I was not broken!
Overall I was 6th RAF finisher for the RAF Team and 20th in the race for Seniors. Would I have won the Vets Inter-Services if I had been registered as a Vet? No! I would have been in the mix but giving away 10 years now to new Vets is too much to be competitive and I have to accept that I cannot win the Inter-Services Vets title again. Bring on a Super Vet category! At least I was 2 min quicker this year, with a terrible bike leg thrown in.
Now to get this last 3 weeks training prior to Ironman spot on and race strong over long distance! I have a 100 mile TT on 13 July as . My last meaty session. I aim to race this at IM pace and test nutrition.
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