The old ‘nether regions’ have been suffering lately. So, I tried this little soother! I have never used any sort of creams when in the saddle and I have been fine. But recently I have been feeling the chafe! So what’s the verdict? It’s magic cream!! What a difference! This stuff really works and it’s back to comfortable rides!
Recovery after the Dambuster Duathlon has been very slow! My legs are still not right. Add to this a niggle in my other foot and I am wondering when I will be able to train hard again. I’ve never had that much structure in my training but I am sure that I have normally done far more intensity on the bike at this stage of the year. Hence I am getting worrid about being able to race well. All this sound familiar? It must do to you guys in Blogland because it is sounding familiar to me! I suffer every year with this ‘won’t be in shape’ syndrome. This year (as with every other year), however, it is real 8-)
I think everyone seems to go through this period around now. Lack of bike endurance due to winter crap riding weather.
Great stuff that butt'rrr. I like DZ nutzzz as well.
You'll be fine this season mate, stop worrying. By the way the word verification for this comment was bum solan, how apt
also was thinking this morning on my ride in, are you wearing padded cycling shorts? i've had no problems like that but I only ever where tri shorts no matter what the distance i'm riding.
Yeah Cycling shorts. i know that sometimes the padding can just add to the friction. Guess it's just a case of finding what suits individual seat bits!
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