I am not Blogtastic at the moment am I? Things are just too hectic and I rarely have the time to sit on the computer and indulge in Blogging – when I do, the pesky computer invariably fails to connect to the net.
My racing season is more or less planned but there is a problem. I have a foot injury that is stopping me running. I won’t bore you with the details but it is not good timing. I need to be ramping up the run effort because I really have not done that much running since September. The Dambuster Duathlon is on 19 March. I had accepted that I would run slowly for this early season race but now it is looking more like making to the finish line is the objective!
I have now entered the Cowman, which is the British national Middle Distance Champs. I am excited about this race but need to get some run legs back! There is time, as long as the injury does not linger – and yes, I am resting it!
Other races planned are the Speedy Beaver and The Dambuster. These races, added to the Cowman, mean I will race National Champs at all Distances for the first time. The objective is a medal of some sorts! But now that I am in the 3rd year of my age group, it will be tough!
I also have a fun race planned at the end of August. More on this event another time but it will mean that I will not be racing The Vit this year. I hope to be there to support the RAF team though and also to mop up left over Jaffa Cakes!
As far as training goes, bike mileage has increased markedly since the foot injury. I am doing just one effort session on the turbo. I am doing plenty of ‘sweet spot’ rides during my commuting and this should set me up nicely for the Cowman in July. Swimming is still going well and I am, by far, faster than I have ever been. As I have said many times, I will believe it when I perform faster in the open water!
I completed a set of 6 x 200m on 3:30 the other day, all timed below 3 mins. Yesterday was main set of 20 x 100m on 2 min, all times between 1:26 – 1:29. ok, these are not super fast times. But, for me, it is an improvement and should see faster 1500m and 1900m open water swim times when racing.
One last point. I have Lanzarote Blues!!!! I get them every year when 20 RAF Triathletes travel to the island to train themselves stupid for a week! I could so train myself stupid there too!