Yes! It is true! Today, for some weird reason, whilst swimming my kicking just improved out of all recognition. Anybody that has seen me in the water will know that I am a kind of kick like crazy and get no where sort of guy. Well not any more!! Well chuffed with this development.
I did 200m kicking as part of the warm up and it just felt good. So I then did 8 x 25 on 1 min and tried to increase the pace. I was hitting between 25 and 28 sec. Obviously this is nothing for 'real' swimmers but for me it is like a miracle! The session continued with a mix of kick reps and pull reps. I managed a 200 pull at 2:49 and a controlled fast 100 at 1:21 somewhere in these sets so the swimming is back on track. Only problem is . . . . I move house again on Tuesday next week!! AAGGGHHHHHH. I hate moving!! Especially only 2 months since the last move. Hopefully I can grab small chunks of training to get me through this period without being fatigued.