I was shopping at Tesco the other evening and I had just left the building when Julie reminded me that I had forgotten something. So, I turned and jogged back into the store. Hang on a minute, I thought! I am running! My Achilles must be mending! Hence today at lunch time I dusted off my running gear and attempted to go for my first run since 19 April. I started my Garmin as I jogged off very slowly. At exactly 58 seconds I noticed my Achilles hurting. I jogged a bit further and, although it got no worse, I sensed that it would only ruin any recovery that may have taken place over the last 6 weeks. In total I managed 5 mins of running and completed a massive 0.68 miles! I am now in contact with Dr Alex Bennet and Mike James at Headley Court. Hopefully, some treatment will repair any damage that lies buried in my old body! What really scares me is that I may be told to stop cycling too! Therefore, I am preparing myself for the worst and am ready to just be a swimmer for a while, albeit pushing off the wall with one leg! How odd is that! Me! A swimmer?! Totally weird!
Anyway, although I feel quite down today about my non-existent Tri season, I am ready to do what ever it takes to get healthy again, probably for next season. I really enjoyed the feeling of running today (such as it was!). Thoughts of becoming a pure cyclist are still bubbling away in my head but I don’t think I will ever be truly content just on 2 wheels. As a cyclist, and at 44 years of age, I will never reach the standard that I can as a triathlete. I am able to run reasonable well and bike ok; those 2 together make me more competitive than I ever will be as a cyclist. Oh yes, nearly forgot that I need to swim too! I will never be a swimmer but at least the water torture doesn’t last that long!
Talking of torture, I completed the club 15 mile TT last night. Man, that 15 miles seemed to go on forever! I never really felt in the groove and the cold evening didn’t help me – I am a warm weather guy (and always full of excuses, I know!). The course is slow (honest!) and there are 9 roundabouts to negotiate. I got 4th with 36:23 but I was further behind some of the quicker guys than I normally am. I hope it goes better at the 25 TT on Sunday. However, if the weather forecast turns out to be correct, conditions may put pay to any fast time from me!
That’s all from this single footed ex-triathlete!
Anyway, although I feel quite down today about my non-existent Tri season, I am ready to do what ever it takes to get healthy again, probably for next season. I really enjoyed the feeling of running today (such as it was!). Thoughts of becoming a pure cyclist are still bubbling away in my head but I don’t think I will ever be truly content just on 2 wheels. As a cyclist, and at 44 years of age, I will never reach the standard that I can as a triathlete. I am able to run reasonable well and bike ok; those 2 together make me more competitive than I ever will be as a cyclist. Oh yes, nearly forgot that I need to swim too! I will never be a swimmer but at least the water torture doesn’t last that long!
Talking of torture, I completed the club 15 mile TT last night. Man, that 15 miles seemed to go on forever! I never really felt in the groove and the cold evening didn’t help me – I am a warm weather guy (and always full of excuses, I know!). The course is slow (honest!) and there are 9 roundabouts to negotiate. I got 4th with 36:23 but I was further behind some of the quicker guys than I normally am. I hope it goes better at the 25 TT on Sunday. However, if the weather forecast turns out to be correct, conditions may put pay to any fast time from me!
That’s all from this single footed ex-triathlete!
You will incur the wrath of jcssprocketsareturning by shopping at Tesco.
It looks like there is little else you can do other than rest and do whatever is required to get fit again for next year.
Weather forecast is pants for the weekend; glad I'm only doing 77 soaking wet miles on Sunday rather than 126.
Bloody right Turboman - I left bad jinx off my Tesco hate list. Look Sags, I really want your achilles to heal, but I think it's the big man's way of telling you that Tescos is not the place to be shopping.
By the way mate, how about joining me for my next bike race at Grantham on Wed 1 Jul. I'll lead you out if you want.
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