Ever felt like you are struggling against the unstoppable tide of life bearing down on you? This seems to be my world recently (I am the guy in the red circle!). At the risk of posting a complete moan and whinge, I will expand. After all, what’s the point of hiding the truth?
My Achilles injury is no better and it is nearly a month since I was able to run. That in itself is no real drama when the big picture is viewed; some people will never even be able to walk or cycle, no matter how much they desire to do so. However, it is the accumulation of circumstances that are grinding me down. As has been the case for a long time – I am talking years here – Julie is not well. In fact she has got steadily worse over the last few weeks. She has a pituitary gland problem that basically wipes the body out. She has been sleeping for 18 hours a day again. As well as seeing her get pretty down about the situation, the general hassle of juggling house, kids, dogs and the odd bit of training is proving unmanageable.
Things are made worse because around Christmas time her medication seemed to be working and she was like an over charged Duracell battery! We had a fridge episode that saw a break in her consuming her meds. Since then, she has not picked up. When I look back over the last few months, I wonder how on earth I have managed to keep riding reasonable bike times! The latest ‘hit’ is the fact that we are meant to be going on holiday next week to the French Alps. With 6 days to go before departure, she is simply not able to travel. Here is the dilemma: should the girls and me go and leave Julie at home? Should we cancel the holiday? Julie’s parents are due to come with us also, so cancelling is not an easy option (not that it ever would be when the girls are looking forward to a holiday). That said, leaving Julie behind is not an attractive option either! She is pretty down as it is. Although she will be able to kick back on chill if we were away, she would feel very reclusive and probably lonely – not something that I want to inflict on her.
On the training front, I have missed a lot of swim sessions and I am starting to think that swimming is just another activity that drains me of energy. I stumbled out of the pool this morning mid-session feeling like a drowning man. I had to get back home anyway but the session was not good from the off and I now have a painful niggle in my shoulder! How can I have a swimming injury? I don’t spend enough time in the water to attract an injury!
The impact of all this, when looking purely at training, is that I am considering turning to time trialing for the rest of the year. I reckon I can just about get by with a single discipline. The plus side being that I can beast myself on the turbo whenever I wish and fit the training around family duties. If I prep the house and kids early enough I could even get to the odd time trial event at a weekend and continue to ride the Wed evening club TT at Sawtry. Let’s face it, my biking is going ok lately! I can always make a return to triathlon in the future.
So there we have it. I know, a bit of an emotional dump I reckon! But I know that the followers of this blog will be able to relate to the difficulties involved with juggling family and triathlon!
My Achilles injury is no better and it is nearly a month since I was able to run. That in itself is no real drama when the big picture is viewed; some people will never even be able to walk or cycle, no matter how much they desire to do so. However, it is the accumulation of circumstances that are grinding me down. As has been the case for a long time – I am talking years here – Julie is not well. In fact she has got steadily worse over the last few weeks. She has a pituitary gland problem that basically wipes the body out. She has been sleeping for 18 hours a day again. As well as seeing her get pretty down about the situation, the general hassle of juggling house, kids, dogs and the odd bit of training is proving unmanageable.
Things are made worse because around Christmas time her medication seemed to be working and she was like an over charged Duracell battery! We had a fridge episode that saw a break in her consuming her meds. Since then, she has not picked up. When I look back over the last few months, I wonder how on earth I have managed to keep riding reasonable bike times! The latest ‘hit’ is the fact that we are meant to be going on holiday next week to the French Alps. With 6 days to go before departure, she is simply not able to travel. Here is the dilemma: should the girls and me go and leave Julie at home? Should we cancel the holiday? Julie’s parents are due to come with us also, so cancelling is not an easy option (not that it ever would be when the girls are looking forward to a holiday). That said, leaving Julie behind is not an attractive option either! She is pretty down as it is. Although she will be able to kick back on chill if we were away, she would feel very reclusive and probably lonely – not something that I want to inflict on her.
On the training front, I have missed a lot of swim sessions and I am starting to think that swimming is just another activity that drains me of energy. I stumbled out of the pool this morning mid-session feeling like a drowning man. I had to get back home anyway but the session was not good from the off and I now have a painful niggle in my shoulder! How can I have a swimming injury? I don’t spend enough time in the water to attract an injury!
The impact of all this, when looking purely at training, is that I am considering turning to time trialing for the rest of the year. I reckon I can just about get by with a single discipline. The plus side being that I can beast myself on the turbo whenever I wish and fit the training around family duties. If I prep the house and kids early enough I could even get to the odd time trial event at a weekend and continue to ride the Wed evening club TT at Sawtry. Let’s face it, my biking is going ok lately! I can always make a return to triathlon in the future.
So there we have it. I know, a bit of an emotional dump I reckon! But I know that the followers of this blog will be able to relate to the difficulties involved with juggling family and triathlon!
Train well. Blog lots. And pray!
Hi Mate,
(Feeling for you in your situation.)
I would do the TTing and just include the s & r, as and when, for fun.
ps As you know I’ve been unable to run until recently since aggravating my AcT at the beginning of 2007. I went through every non-invasive medical procedure known to man and then read a scientific journal which related AcT injuries to bike peddle systems. I changed my peddle system and I can now run with no pain so far after a month. So ironically it may be your cycling which is adding to your running injury since you aggravated it (just a thought).
Look at your cleat positioning, or change to a different peddle system with a wider/large platform, it may help.
Hope your wife feels better soon and you get away on your hols.
Kind regards
wow sags what can I say, mate you seem to be having it real rough at the moment. Perhaps TT's are the way forward for now and the odd swim and hopefully run just to tick over when the injury is better. I hope Julie starts to feel better soon too, I hope things start to pick up for you all soon, keep positive and call me if you need to talk mate.
Hey mate
sorry to hear of your holiday dilema amongst all the other issues that we mortals do not have and probably moan about simple meanless stuff. I know how much you were looking forward to going. On the injury front - carers often have prolonged healing due to increased stress levels. It doesn't change the situation but knowing may help with understanding why. Keep smiling mate and make the most of what you have. :-)
Hi buddy, you have my total sympathy. Nowt wrong with just cycling, and you seem to be doing OK at it at the moment.
Best wishes to you, your wife and your family. And I hope you all get away on your holiday.
Best wishes to you and your family mate. Hope it all works out for you.
Sags,i hope your world improves, best wishes to you and your family.
have a good break from work and tri; you'll be back. My achilles niggled all last season now the break i have had with a bad back has given the achiles time to heal!
Thanks for the kind words guys. Feel a bit of a plonker for groaning publicly! The support is appreciated. Must get back to my ironing!
FWIW mate my advice would be definitely switch to the TTs for this year. That'll give the achilles time to heal, it will take the pressure off you to run and it won't do you any harm in the long run to have a year off tri. Next year you will be reinvigorated.
As for home that's a toughie and I think only you will know what's best, but whatever it is I hope it works out for you all.
Glad you got away on your holiday; relax and enjoy.stort
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