Tuesday – Rode Col De Tamie and visited the Fort at the top. Awesome place but an easy ride!
Friday, 29 May 2009
My Tour De France
Tuesday – Rode Col De Tamie and visited the Fort at the top. Awesome place but an easy ride!
Friday, 15 May 2009
Swimming Against the Tide!

My Achilles injury is no better and it is nearly a month since I was able to run. That in itself is no real drama when the big picture is viewed; some people will never even be able to walk or cycle, no matter how much they desire to do so. However, it is the accumulation of circumstances that are grinding me down. As has been the case for a long time – I am talking years here – Julie is not well. In fact she has got steadily worse over the last few weeks. She has a pituitary gland problem that basically wipes the body out. She has been sleeping for 18 hours a day again. As well as seeing her get pretty down about the situation, the general hassle of juggling house, kids, dogs and the odd bit of training is proving unmanageable.
Things are made worse because around Christmas time her medication seemed to be working and she was like an over charged Duracell battery! We had a fridge episode that saw a break in her consuming her meds. Since then, she has not picked up. When I look back over the last few months, I wonder how on earth I have managed to keep riding reasonable bike times! The latest ‘hit’ is the fact that we are meant to be going on holiday next week to the French Alps. With 6 days to go before departure, she is simply not able to travel. Here is the dilemma: should the girls and me go and leave Julie at home? Should we cancel the holiday? Julie’s parents are due to come with us also, so cancelling is not an easy option (not that it ever would be when the girls are looking forward to a holiday). That said, leaving Julie behind is not an attractive option either! She is pretty down as it is. Although she will be able to kick back on chill if we were away, she would feel very reclusive and probably lonely – not something that I want to inflict on her.
On the training front, I have missed a lot of swim sessions and I am starting to think that swimming is just another activity that drains me of energy. I stumbled out of the pool this morning mid-session feeling like a drowning man. I had to get back home anyway but the session was not good from the off and I now have a painful niggle in my shoulder! How can I have a swimming injury? I don’t spend enough time in the water to attract an injury!
The impact of all this, when looking purely at training, is that I am considering turning to time trialing for the rest of the year. I reckon I can just about get by with a single discipline. The plus side being that I can beast myself on the turbo whenever I wish and fit the training around family duties. If I prep the house and kids early enough I could even get to the odd time trial event at a weekend and continue to ride the Wed evening club TT at Sawtry. Let’s face it, my biking is going ok lately! I can always make a return to triathlon in the future.
So there we have it. I know, a bit of an emotional dump I reckon! But I know that the followers of this blog will be able to relate to the difficulties involved with juggling family and triathlon!
Thursday, 14 May 2009
Another Bike PB!

Always look before overtaking!
Well, last night I pitched up at the club 10 mile TT relishing yet another flat out blast. It was cold but the wind had dropped slightly by the time I had ridden out to Sawtry. By riding out to the race I get a total ride of about 34 miles (ride to race, warm up, 10 mile TT, ride home) and complete a decent mid week session. I normally try and hold 20mph on the ride home too, so there is a good amount of quality in the session too.
I set off trying out a slightly slower cadence than I normally push - not that I count; I just go by feel. I narrowly avoided the hedge as I swung around the first roundabout. I now stay on the tri bars for this first roundabout and try and keep the speed up. My minute man was no where to be seen so it was head down and work the slight incline that feels more like a mountain when going flat out! After the turn I had my minute man in my sights and I caught him with a bout 2 miles to go. I got within reach of my 2 minute man also but he remained about 2 bike lengths ahead as I crossed the finish line. Not seen the official time yet but I made it 23:36. That is another PB on that course. Maybe with some sun and the right air pressure I could get close to breaking 23 mins.
Oh yes, I have done some swimming this week but TTs are sooooooooo much more fun!
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
Time Trials Hurt. . . .

I am currently working with my personal bike position consultant (Turbo Man) to tweak my TT position further. I have changed my position quite a lot since last year but there is worth in trying to tilt my forearms up. This will involve some construction work on the pads and bar extensions - all good fun if there are some spare hours in the day (not many of those lately).
Strange, though, the more time trialling I do, the more the pain feels 'normal'. I have another club 10 TT this evening but the weather forecast is not good. I just hope that it is not cancelled as I need my fix of pain!
Still no running for me, due to the achilles injury, and my swimming is ticking over at best. Seeing the results come in now that the race season has started is proving quite difficult for me! I will miss the Brize Srint next week. having done all of the sprints for the last 3 years, it will feel strange not racing. I probably enjoy the RAF sprints the most out of any races that I have competed at. It is just good fun and enjoyable to catch up with buddies not seen for a while. Oh well, I leave for a family holiday next Thursday to Annecy in the French Alps. It will be a lot of travelling but hopefully worth the trip. In the hope of entertaining my family during the 10 hour drive through France I have rigged up an in car movie theatre - it's amazing what you can do with heavy duty velcro! I will get some pics up, just in case anyone is interested! My bike is coming and I hope to get some mountain rides in and some swimming in the outdoor pool.
Sunday, 10 May 2009
I am a Slower Rider!
Wednesday, 6 May 2009
Squires & Spires Cycle Sportive
The day started rather cold, windy and wet; a stark difference from last year when it was mega hot. Most people were dressed in longs and layers but the sun started to break through as we set off. The wind, however, did not let up all day and it made parts of the ride tough going. The group I started with headed out at rather a sedate pace. As I wanted to break 4 hours, I decided to try and latch onto a group up ahead. I managed to do this and we clipped along quite nicely until the first feed zone at around 37 miles. After the feed zone it seemed like everyman for himself. I tried to form a group but it just wasn’t working. So, in the end, I decided to just go for it and see who would jump on board. I ramped up the pace and caught numerous groups. At one point a Daventry CC rider jumped on my wheel and we rode quite nicely for a few miles. Then, disaster! My chain jumped off on a decent and somehow got knotted up round my deraillier. It took a good few minutes to sort this and my new buddy was long gone by the time I was back riding.
I continued to push hard as the miles ticked by but the hills in the last 20 miles were torture! Some people were walking on one incline! As the finish approached I knew that I was just outside 4 hours. My Garmin read 3:57 ride time but my mechanical had cost me precious time. My official time was 4:03:26 and that bagged me 12th fastest of the day out of 320 riders.......it’s not a race you know!!
It was a good event but a little lonely! Anyone else for next year?
As for my running, it’s still zilch. My Achilles is not good. I continue to ride but the triathlon season is looking like a wash out from where I am sitting. I have the club 10 mile TT this evening and then I have the supposedly fast E2 10 mile TT ride on Saturday. Jase Walkley is doing this TT also so it will be good to see how much faster he goes than me!!
Catch you later Bloggers
Friday, 1 May 2009
I Can't Run But.........
Another busy week has flown by and I am finding it hard to squeeze everything I want to complete into the day – I need a 26 hour day! I especially want to get the next edition of Triangles finished. To do that I will have to make this edition slightly shorter than the previous iterations – sorry! Mind you, some people may prefer a shorter read?
So then, a quick blast of what’s been going on.
Inter-Services Duathlon took place on 29 April. The weather was kind and we had 20 RAF Triathletes participating. The start of the race was awesome – a Hercules aircraft super low fly-over organised by event head honco Chris Stuart of the Army (well he works in 2 Group!).
Out of the blokes, I was mightily impressed by Mike Westwell’s bike split (4th fastest of the day and quickest of the RAF boys). Andy Fisher was the top finisher in 5th place – a tantilisingly 6 seconds away from a podium finish. We had some good performances lower down too, with Dale Grassby grabbing 10th place and Jase Walkley proving that my prediction of greatness is not that far off the mark by finishing very strongly to take 14th place just 24 seconds behind Dale. Well done to all.
As for my training, still no running due to my Achilles problem. My swimming goes well some days and terrible other days! I am where I am and I am focussing on enjoyig the H2O – if that is possible!
My bike legs continue to work just fine! After a decent turbo session on Tuesday I had an easy day whilst helping with the RAF element of the Inter-Services Duathlon. That said, I was feeling more tired from watching etc than when I race! I had missed the St Ives CC 10 mile TT due to the duathlon so I had arranged to guest at Cambridge CC evening 10 miler on Thursday. It was good to ride a different course and the route is obviously faster than our club course as I recorded a pb 22:43. How chuffed am I!! My first ride under 23 mins and an average speed of 26.41mph grabbed me 5th place overall and missed second place by only 13 sec.
I am riding a sportif on Sunday; only 80 miles......Eekkk! from 10 miles flat out to 80 miles....er...flat out?! This event was the one I crashed in last year so the main focus is to just finish.
Train well bloggers.