My easy recovery week has progressed well. I have been training very easy! I did, however, race a Lincs Services Cross Country League race at RAF Wittering on Wednesday. It was wet, muddy and tough going – complete with stampeding horses! I managed to grab 3rd place but it should have been 4th because Al Turnbull eased up and allowed me to finish ahead of him. He was taking it easy but as he belongs to the same team as me I suppose he must have felt sorry for me when he looked back and saw the pain I was in from my exertions! I really had to push hard to catch 2 guys in the last 2 miles and the up hill finish ended up being a sprint for me. Consequently, I am still a tadge sore today. So, it was just an easy swim today.

Talking of swimming, my drills are still going well. However, I have been trying to include more full stroke swimming during January, and it feels terrible! I have another Swimshack coached session planned for 20 Feb. I hope to work on transition from drill to swim during the session. After all the work I have put in over the winter I will be disappointed not to improve my swimming times during 2009.
The club ride on Sunday may see me bag 70 miles on the bike but the weather forecast is not good. Snow is expected. I am banking on the snow moving in during the afternoon. Whatever the weather, I hope to ride stronger than last week!

Talking of swimming, my drills are still going well. However, I have been trying to include more full stroke swimming during January, and it feels terrible! I have another Swimshack coached session planned for 20 Feb. I hope to work on transition from drill to swim during the session. After all the work I have put in over the winter I will be disappointed not to improve my swimming times during 2009.
The club ride on Sunday may see me bag 70 miles on the bike but the weather forecast is not good. Snow is expected. I am banking on the snow moving in during the afternoon. Whatever the weather, I hope to ride stronger than last week!