Tuesday, 29 July 2014
Outlaw Ironman Triathlon Race Report
Well, a month away from my 50th birthday and the Outlaw Ironman Triathlon has come and gone. What a day it was! This event was also the RAF Long Distance Champs. We had 24 individuals on the start line and 2 relay teams. that is amazing! When I started racing with RAF Triathlon we were lucky if we had 4 people at the Olympic Distance Champs (the only distance we had with a champs!). I had a fantastic time and really enjoyed the whole experience. I suppose the story would be very different if my race had exploded and gone horribly wrong. I am so grateful that it did not as these Ironman events take on epic importance due to the build up, huge training load and sacrifices from so many people. Thankfully I had a good race. My previous Blog post was based around Ironman time goals. Well, after Sunday I have learnt so much. The main aspect is that chasing Ironman race times for the likes of us ‘normal’ people is a recipe for disaster! I quickly figured out on the bike that I had to judge my effort levels against the course and the conditions of the day. If I had chased a time I would surely have blown a gasket and crawled round much of the bike and run! As it was, I managed a constant effort pretty much all the way through – and even managed a surge over the last 5k of the run.
So here is the race report. It is likely to be long and probably boring! But I want to log the experience and look back in years to come to remember what a huge undertaking completing an Ironman Triathlon is (but I will be doing more!).
Swim – 1:06:42 Position: 126 overall. 10 Age Group.
Anyone who knows me will be aware that my swim is the weakest part of my triathlon package. So to come out of the H2O in this time was very pleasing. There were time ranked segments in the water based on your predicted swim split.
I opted to go to the rear of the sub-hour group in the hope that I would get dragged along. It turned out to be a good choice I think as I had a good first 400m or so, with no huge biff or kicks above the normal argy bargy. I actually wished that I had started nearer the front; but then I may have not had such a relaxed time. I sighted far more than I normally do and that is something that I will have to maintain during future races because i do tend to veer off left if I keep the head down. So a decent start to the day and I was assisted out of the water at the swim exit by the fantastic RAF volunteer crew. Their enthusiasm was fantastic; the sun was shining and I was ready to rock the bike (I think the race head came on but I quickly removed it. . . . .)
T1 – 4:53 Rank: 219
I thought that I had quite a swift T1. However, the clock says otherwise. Oh well, at least I had what I needed and experienced no dramas. I also moved up to 8th in my AG during transition; so not too bad.
Bike – 5:24:05 Rank: 66. Position After Bike: 62 Overall. 1 Age Group. Rank: 66
So after the bike I had gained 60 places overall and moved into the lead in my age group. Those are good stats! But the bike seemed harder than I thought it would be. I rode completely on feel and the aim was to monitor my effort level constantly. I think that I achieved this and backed off when the wind made it tough going> The reality is that riding 112 miles will make you tired no matter how fast you ride! Early into the bike I saw a Stafford Tri Club rider. It turned out to be Ronnie from RAF Cosford! We didn’t really know each other prior to the event but we ended up riding pretty much together (in a legal way) for the entire ride. There were times when I thought he had dropped away, especially up the hill on the Northern loop, but he just kept going. He had a great ride and was strong throughout. The course is nice but with the villages and some windy drags to negotiate I do not think that it is that fast. The last 3 – 4 miles certainly reduces your average speed as it takes you along a very narrow lane with speed bumps and pot holes. But this is unavoidable and the organisors did everything possible to reduce problems. Ronnie indicated that we were above 21mph average prior to this last stretch. My nutrition plan had worked well and I was feeling strong, if not a little fatigued. I was certainly ready to climb off the bike to stretch the legs out! I eased back quite abit over the last few miles in an attempt to feel relaxed for the run.
T2 – 2:42 Rank: 98
A better transition this time, but then T2 is always simpler. A change of socks and stuff the bag was all that was required. Again, the RAF volunteers were going crazy! What a great atmosphere there was – you really had to be there to experience the electricity!
Run – 3:37:39 Rank: 43
I eased into the run after a splash of sunscreen from a helper. The sun was strong and the temperature was rising. I dialed into my pace pretty quickly – or so I thought! Looking at the pace chart from the results I had started a tadge fast; but not horrendously so. It felt slow but I was passing people immediately. So I slowed further! There were not many people on the run course and it was actually really quiet as I eased through 5 miles. One guy came past me like a train soon after. I assumed this was a relay runner and reminded myself to run my own race. The run in an Ironman is the key element I reckon. You can lose so much time if you blow up. This was constantly on my mind and my plan was to walk the aid stations to ensure that I actually drank the water, rather than splosh it around my face. I took a gel at every other feed station and then ingested it 100m prior to taking on water at the next feed station – if that makes sense?! This worked well and I was never weak in a lack of energy kind of way. Phil Holdcroft came storming towards me from the opposite direction as I was on my first outward river loop. He was on a blinder, if he could maintain that pace; he looked very strong. I figured that I was the next RAF guy as I didn’t see anyone else for a while. Once I looped the lake and headed out for my second river loop it was far busier. My legs started to hurt after 10 miles but using Jens Voigt’s method I was able to just tell them to shut up and push on. I was, however, reluctant to up the effort anywhere before 20 miles. For me, reaching 20 miles and not feeling like I would die horribly was a major point in the race. Just 2 laps of the lake to complete and you’re home! But there were some ugly sights out there. People being sick, dashing to the portaloo (I never had to visit one) or screaming with cramp. Poor Jamie Elliot, an RAF relay team runner, was hopping around like bunny trying to deal with cramp. I feared that if I stopped to assist I would end up in the same state; hence I felt a bit guilty leaving him behind. As I hit the lake circuit I saw Phil ahead. Initially, I thought that he had blown spectacularly. However, he had completed his first end lake loop and was now heading into the finish. I had half a loop and then one full loop to complete. The problem here is that I had to run past the finish to start my final loop! Phil had finished in 9:49! A fantastic result and he was RAF LD Champ. I pushed on, knowing that I was going to finish. I could also risk upping the effort. So I engaged the legs for more power. I passed quite a few people on the final 5k and emptied the tank totally. I had not realised that my wife and daughter had traveled to see me finish and ran straight past them into the finish funnel. Poor CJ had wanted to run down the finish chute with me too – doh! We bagged a photo afterwards though, with the Erdinger Isotonic Alcohol free guys! To run down that chute on the red carpet felt amazing – and very emotional when I saw Julie and CJ after the finish.
The Finish
The run had gone well, though I know I can do better! I had maintained the lead in my age group and won with a decent 32 min buffer. With the relay team excluded, I had bagged 25th place overall and was actually quicker than the age group below me (45 – 49 winner 10:17). And, as my buddy Russ Watson has pointed out, the RAF Long Distance Champ remains at Tactical Supply Wing Stafford with me for 2014(he won it last year!) A big thank you to the RAF volunteers, especially our Chairman big Nick Huntley who sort of held me up after my legs gave way after the finish line. What is the first thing you do after the finish? You get sent up a big set of stairs! Not easy in my state! I had the options of having food, being horribly sick and having a massage – I went for all 3, though not at once!
I am still buzzing now and to receive an exclusive Outlaw Winner cycling jersey for the win was a real nice touch. This garment now ranks high up in my treasured possession list! Thank you to everyone for the support – on fb, via text, email, forum (thank you Charles over in Canada) and in person over the weekend and preceding training months. And a huge thank you to my wife Julie for putting up with my ‘habits’!! The presentation for the Age Group win was on Monday and I hobbled back to Nottingham for a pleasant hour with the Outlaw crew.
And a special mention to the RAF Sports Lottery. Without their assistance I would not have achieved this result – period. They have revolutionized RAF Sports; thank you. And to my buddy Jase Walkley, who rescued me at the last minute when my rear race wheel gave up on me - Jase loaned me a very nice Fast Forward rear wheel; for which I am extremely grateful. . . . .do you want it back? 8-)
The future is Ironman. . . . .
Saturday, 19 July 2014
Ironman Race Target - Should There be One?!
With one week to go until my second Ironman I can't help but think of a race target. Unlike shorter distance triathlons, there seems to be more emphasis on certain finishing times. Some people want sub 12; others want the perceived `top standard` sub-10 hour!! Of course all these ra targets are purely personal and the best option for a target is to finish!
But me being me I cannot help but have an aim. I would really really really really love to go under 10 hours. This is not an easy task for anyone. So yesterday I assessed my season so far and also completed a pacing training session as 3 x 10 miles with first rep IM effort (holding back as much as possible), second rep just ride hard, third rep repeat the IM 10 mile. I rode 28:50, 25:10, 28:10. Then run 5 miles focussing on IM pace and again holding back. I averaged 7:55 per mile pace.
So from this I have come up with the following targets:
Swim. 1:08
T1. 3:00
Bike. 5:18
T2. 3:00
Run. 3:25
That gives a total of 9:57. . . . . Gulp. Let's see what happens.
Friday, 18 July 2014
Monday, 14 July 2014
Otlaw Triathlon Bike Tester 100 Mile
One aspect that concerned me for race day at the Outlaw is the fact that I have not ridden further than 75 miles in training this year - and that was back in March. Whilst I have done lots of 3 hour rides at pace and plenty of 1 - 2 hour sessions at specific effort levels, I know from experience that 100 miles can feel very different. So I entered a local 100 mile time time trial to test pacing and nutrition, as well as bike position and a short transition run to see how I would feel. The plan was to ride at IM effort, not TT effort, though I do not really know what a 100 mile TT effort would be! I think you need to learn the distance.
I pretty much stuck to my plan, though conditions were awful. The rain fell and the wind picked up as the morning progressed. I finished in 4:34:30, completing a perfect matching 50 mile split each half! So a shade under 22mph average equates to around a 5:07 IM bike split. To be honest though, I think I pushed too hard into the wind. This is something I need to be aware of on race day. If maintaining an even effort means slowing down, then slow down!!
For the first time ever I envied those guys riding to a set power level.I can really see the benefit of using power over long distance races, where efficiency on the bike ensures a decent run - well, at least gives you a fighting chance of not blowing up. I tried to ride just below my half IM effort level but over 100+ miles, I think you need to ride an even further reduced effort. So all being well with conditions and the course at the Outlaw supposedly quite conducive to fast riding, I need to focus on slowing down more and aiming for a bike time between 5:15 - 5:20. If I can bag a swim around 1:08 then I have a shot at around 10 hours overall.
Anyway, my legs were tired towards the end of this 100 but no matter what speed or effort you commit to a 100 mile ride will leave you tired. Nutrition worked well and I was ready to run. I just completed 3 miles and hit target pace of 7:49 per mile. With a reduced effort on the bike I may even be able to maintain that pace! We will see! I highly recommend this session as a pre Ironman essential. It tests bike position, nutrition and ability to run off after 4+ hours in an aero tuck.
Tuesday, 8 July 2014
3 Weeks Countdown
Yes it's 3 weeks until the Outlaw Ironman. Most of my Blog entries have been about build up races. But what about the overall training?
Now that the hard work is completed and there is nothing that I can do to make any difference to performance by adding extra training - though I can mess things up - I am focussing on some key sessions hit fresh. Last Sunday was my longest run at 18 miles, completed as easy out for 9 miles and harder return. This was meant to help me get a mind set of starting very easy on the marathon come race day. All my previous long runs have been a real slow plot, mostly due to my being tired before starting. Although I had raced on Wed and trained through since, I felt quite fresh for this run and the first 9 miles was a very easy 8:05 per mile average. I came back averaging 7:45 but it felt a lot harder. There is a lesson for be had from that!!.
So it is easy stuff (or no long draining session s) until Sunday when I ride my first 100 mile TT. I am going to test nutrition and focus on holding back for 80 miles! The problem here is that no matter what speed you ride or effort you expel you're going to be tired at 80 miles! This session may just scare me!
Over the last 6 months I have trained well but it has all been made up as I go along day by day. My life is too hectic to have a detailed plane. Overall the build months have gone well with Feb to May each building B-) volume. I do worry that I have not done enough focussed very long rides or runs but I wanted to ensure that I remained healthy. I used short distance races for speed work and actually did ok as far as performance goes.
Swimming has felt good lately but I still have not really hit mega sessions. A 56:33 25 mile bike TT proves that I have sufficient speed on 2 wheels and my run split at the Grafman Half IM proves I am running well (1:26:10).
All that remains is to stay healthy and get pacing and nutrition right on race day - probably the most difficult task yet! Conditions will come into play for me also. I thrive on hot weather and struggle in the wet and cold weather. Maybe we'll get a fine sunny day on 27 July 8-)
Friday, 4 July 2014
Inter-Services Standard Distance Triathlon Champs - 2 July 14
This race was the third in a series that I am using to hone some form for The Outlaw Ironman race on 27 July. To be honest I had thought about not racing this event as the Grafman middle distance and The Dambuster Standard distance had taken quite a bit out of the old legs! However, I had been selected for the Senior team (as opposed to the Vets) despite being 50 years young in 2 months. So I thought that I would give it a shot. Also, I raced the same event last year (as a Vet) and reckoned comparing the 2 performances would be handy.
The Inter-Services event gets better every year and huge thanks to all those guys behind the scenes who make the spectacle such a spectacle! The DBMax event crew put on a great race AND most importantly, 9Bar provided post-race nutrition http://www.9bar.com/
The difference this year was that I had completed no speed work what so ever. It was mighty hot this year - just the way I like it. The swim was a 2 lap course, which was different to 2013. Plus you can never really compare open water courses as the differ so much. I had been swimming well in the pool and was hopeful of a decent open water venture. I was quite disappointed to come out in a sluggish 27 mins! The first lap had been scrappy but I felt good on the second lap, passing plenty of swimmers and sighting more - note to self: sight more often for a straighter swim! Once into T1 it was good to see that many folk were slower than expected. Comparing where you finish against known swimmers is probably the best way of rating your swim. I was about 2 mins off the pace from where I would like to be - same old story!
On to the bike and I concentrated on easing into the pace. This didn't work very well and I red lined it from the off. The trouble with being a weaker swimmer but stronger biker is that you are always catching slower cyclists. This means that cars, lorries Etc get caught in between me and slower cyclists ahead. I end up being held up significantly a I will not risk death by over taking inappropriately. Being held up in this race was probably the worst I have experienced. It is difficult to put a time lost figure on the frustrating incident but I just have to accept it. Overall I was pleased to be only 20 seconds slower than the previous year. The bike leg felt like a blast. . . Blow. . . Recover series!
I remember suffering badly on the run in 2013, clocking my worst 10k split ever in a triathlon. This year, despite blown legs from the bike, I eased into the run holding back, as I have done all year when racing. The 3 lap run suited me as I could work each lap changing the effort levels. By the second lap I was feeling smooth and upped the pace. Into the final lap and I maintained the effort, rather than go crazy (Ironman in 3 weeks!). A 39:03 split was satisfying and most importantly I was not broken!
Overall I was 6th RAF finisher for the RAF Team and 20th in the race for Seniors. Would I have won the Vets Inter-Services if I had been registered as a Vet? No! I would have been in the mix but giving away 10 years now to new Vets is too much to be competitive and I have to accept that I cannot win the Inter-Services Vets title again. Bring on a Super Vet category! At least I was 2 min quicker this year, with a terrible bike leg thrown in.
Now to get this last 3 weeks training prior to Ironman spot on and race strong over long distance! I have a 100 mile TT on 13 July as . My last meaty session. I aim to race this at IM pace and test nutrition.

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