I have training plan!! Yep, you heard me correctly! The plan is even in a folder! And the folder has tabs!! You can't get better than that eh!! The comfort associated with a plan is very reassuring and I am already feeling relaxed about training. My swimming feels good and I feel smooth in the water. I am still not speedy but I should gain some speed by the summer. My biking is reduced in preparation for some steady periodisation. My running is much the same - reduced in volume (well I was starting to do too much). Not sure what I will do next year but I know that I will plan to do as many bike time trials as possible. By time trials, I mean organised club or open TTs. In my opinion, there is nowt better to improve your biking.
Recent training:
Sunday: 10 mile easy run that felt awful! Achilles was 'so so'.
Monday: Swim and easy turbo
Tuesday: 34 mile steady pre-work road ride. Lovely and crisp in the morning air. Easy 30 min run after work.
Wednesday: Swim in morning and turbo technique at lunch. Swim sessions building up now:
Warm Up: 6 x 150 20s RI mixing drill and full stroke
Main Set: 2 x 600 as 1st rep swim. 2nd set pull. 65% effort that felt hard at the end for my unfit upper body!
Warm Down: 100 super slow. Some 50s bilat breathing.

Been reading Brad Wiggins' book In Pursuit of Glory. It is a good read if you like bike stuff. Having seen most of the stuff he is talking about, it makes for motivating stuff. And, you realise just what a fantastic pursuit rider he is/was! He has had his share of personal problems too; I can relate to that!!
Wiggo's book was an excellent read, he certainly know's how to enjoy himself!
Mrs JC refused to let me buy the hardback Wiggo book - fair enough it was nearly 20 quid. So I waited for about 12 months for the paperback to come out. No sign! Mrs JC then gets it from the library for me - great. 2 days after finishing it I see the paperback copy in a London bike shop - and bloody updated for the TdF this year!!!! Poo.
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