A busy couple of days completed! Wed evening was the Club 10 mile TT and the first ride in anger for the new TT bike. The result? My slowest ride of the year! Oops! I suspected it may take a while to replicate my previous position on the new bike and I had my saddle way off position, in relation to the bottom bracket. I seemed to lack power and the final time confirmed the fact. After some tinkering, I now have a position that replicates that of my old TT bike. Changing bikes mid-way through the season may not be the best idea; however, with no triathlon races possible due to my Achilles, it could also be the best time to change and get used to a new bike!
Yesterday I went to Headley Court to get my Achilles checked out. It is good news in some ways because the injury is not that serious. That said, I will not be able to compete in a triathlon this year. I have a rehab routine to undertake which involves no running for at least another 4 weeks. If the pain eases I could return to light jogging in August, but no full on running. My aim is to try and get a resemblance of running fitness by early October so I can compete at the Oulton Park Duathlon. If I complete this race I will get the 3 races completed that is required to qualify for a UK Age group Ranking. With a 3rd and 1st place already in the bag, a decent race at Oulton Park could see my challenging for an overall ranking. That said, it will be a tall order to get back to 35 min 10k running fitness and I will not risk racing if my Achilles is not ready – don’t want to mess up next season too!

The visit to Headley Court was interesting and the reason for my Achilles pain was revealed! When I run, my right foot splays out slightly and my right knee dips inwards slightly. This combination causes a twisting of my right Achilles (see pic). The specialist at Headley was confident that it could be sorted with the rehab exercises. So now, I am full on with rehab and training comes second priority!
I still find it tough seeing all the triathlon results come flooding in. But I reckon that my season of time trialing may set me up as a stronger cyclist for next year. I will also be mega-motivated to hit next season hard. best I watch for over-training though!
What shall I do tomorrow? Er. . . ride my bike!