Doh!! I spoke too soon about walking the knife edge of great form and injury or over training! After Sunday’s session my shin has started to hurt again. This flared up last week after my 20 mile run. However, it seemed to go as quickly as it came and I was ok when racing at the Inter-Services last Wednesday.
I completed my last big ride (prior to IM) on Sunday, at 100 miles. The aim was to finish this ride under 5 hours. I did this, clocking 4:58. But my shin started to ache during the last 50 miles of the bike, which is strange. When I started running (I had a 10 miler planned off the bike) it hurt immediately. It eased off as I completed a couple of easy miles but I decided to be cautious and stopped after 5 miles. I didn’t feel that great running but I put this down to some poor nutrition on the bike. However, I was maintaining 7:30 miles comfortably - but then only doing 5 miles helped!
So what to do now?! Obviously, I will rest. But I want to be able to do just enough training to stop loss of fitness. With just over 3 weeks to go, I should be able to hang on to the majority of he fitness I currently have. Let’s see what the next week brings!
You will not lose any fitness now, you could stop entirely and still do a good 'race'.
It takes around 4 weeks of adaptation from training, you are now inside that zone - please do not run for the next week or so and let your body recover.
I know you won't listen, but now I can say 'I told you so' if required LOL!
Seriously, just chill out, rest, relax and then you'll be able to perform how you hope.
Sound reasoning K; thank you. I did an easy swim yesterday to get the blood flowing and a very easy spin home from work. Today I am away with work so a natural rest day.
If I can tick over between now and race day I should be ok!!!
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