In our sport, at age group racing, we rarely get to race and know exactly where we are in the field. We generally start in waves and get mixed up with previous and following waves. Yesterday, at the Cambridge Duathlon, it was really refreshing to control my race relative to my age group. It added a mental element that was really fun.
It was a warm spring morning and I was in the 3rd wave of 4 separate waves. It seemed that in my wave there was just my age group (45 – 49) and the next age group (50 – 54). All competitors had their age group letter body marked as it was a World Champs qualifier. I placed myself in the mid-pack as I wanted a steady start. As we started, it soon became obvious that I needed to be nearer the front. I was chopping my stride so much, that I was nearly falling over. I managed to weave through the pack and settle into 4th place. The lead guys came back as they relaxed into the pace and before long the 4 of us were leading the wave by a comfortable margin. I can’t remember feeling so easy in a race and I truly feel that the fast guys stayed away from this race. I was clipping the guys heels in front of me and I decided to put in a dig as we turned into a small incline. Before I knew it I had a decent gap and I just plodded on, focussing on keeping a tempo pace. What a great feeling to go into T1 in the lead! That doesn’t happen very often! Time for first 7.5k run was 27:59 by my watch.
Onto the bike and, as normal in a duathlon, my bike legs took a while to click in but I was happy that they did actually click in at all! The course was a 2 and a half lap route and a guy from my age group came past me on the second lap. To be honest, upping my pace was a relief, as I was messing around a bit. This is what I mean about the mental difference; I had proved that I was the fastest runner in my wave, so all I had to do was remain at the head of my wave into T2. hence I gave this guy 20 metres and then just cruised along. He slowed quite significantly later on but I think he had really pushed hard on his first lap to close the gap – respect. My bike split, a relaxed effort of 1:04:16.
Onto the second run I left T2 with my age group colleague. My plan had been to run with him until half way and then stick the boot in. However, he was struggling to get going so I just went for it. Soon, a guy from age group D came alongside and we basically helped/duelled it out for the rest of the run. I bagged a 28:00 run split by my watch, for a run time virtually identical to the first! Overall time 2:01:44, which was almost exactly 3 mins quicker than when I last raced this course in 2009. I can’t help thinking that a flat out effort may have seen a sub 2-hour race. That said, my second run may have been a lot slower if I had pushed harder earlier on. I can’t complain with an age group win and 13th overall. I just need some more races to hone the form some more.
Coach Roy B and Paul Cassels also raced and enjoyed the sunshine. Royster is on the comeback from niggles so he was chuffed to leave healthy. Paul was slightly disappointed but he has missed a block of training and should come good later in the season.
I also met Mickey Tri, from Coventry. Hopefully, he will confirm that he has qualified for the World Du Champs. Well done Mike; I know that you can do it 8-)
I am sore today, but not broken! My feet seem ok but I must go easy for the rest of this week, to stay healthy!
There were some great performances from RAF Tri guys and gals at London Marathon. In my book, Laura Baylis’ 3:00:06 was the stand out effort. That is a great time but oh so frustrating! Just how much would Laura have liked t have clocked 2:59:59! It’s just a number. . . . . . .
YOU da Man!
Excellent result buddy, all that rest is clearly helping!
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