20 Min progressive warm up
5 min as 30 sec work to 27mph, 30 sec spin.
5 min RI at 18mph
5 min as 15 sec to 27mph, 15 sec spin.
5 min RI at 18mph
5 min as 1 min to 27mph, 30 sec spin.
Straight into 7:30 4% hill simulation out of saddle.
Cool down
1 hour 5 mins
The weather has prevented any road riding; hence I have still not completed any long rides. Some reverse periodisation should sort that! Here is a pic to remind us that the sun does shine in the UK and there may yet be a time when we can ride our bikes outside - with shorts on too!!

I still have some niggles but I am now building my running up with some slow and steady running. OK, every now and then I get carried away and stick in a faster run, but the long term aim is to build some run miles.
Swimming is going well (for me) and I have some fresh focuses to work on, thanks to some very good advice from an extremely knowledgeable helper – maybe more on that later!
I'm curious - why 27mph? Am I right in thinking that was roughly your 25 mile speed last year? For such short intervals surely you can go faster? You mention increasing the interval length later in the year but if you want to increase your speed over last year then surely your intervals MUST be faster?
It was my 25 mile speed on road last year but not comparible to turbo speed. 27mph is above my best threshold turbo speed.
You tell him Sags! ;-)
Did I sound blunt? Didn't mean to 8-)
Did I sound blunt? Didn't mean to 8-)
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