Today is 16 Oct 22. Time to review the purpose of this Blog - again! It is 2 years since the last review. 🤕 2022 was shaping up well and I was on track for a decent middle distance Duathlon race. Then COVID hit me! I tried to salvage the race season but never felt strong or healthy. Looking to 2023 now and focussing on being healthy and some sprint Duathlon racing mixed with some bike TT fun on the Canyon CF

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Sunday 3 January 2021

Whoop - Less is More?

 I have it! I a Whooping! Yes, my wrist now has a permanent implant, with the Whoop wristband worn 24/7. I have data from 26 Dec 20; this short period has provided an initial baseline of my personal bodily readings: HR, HRV, Strain, Sleep and Recovery. After the first 30 days of data, I will receive a more detailed and accurate Whoop experience.

So what are my initial thoughts? I like it. . . .Lots. HRV seems to be the key variable and key indicator as to how recovered the body has recovered. In turn, the overall recovery % then provides a pointer as to how hard you should push your body in training. I have already started to change planned sessions and take extra recovery - some recovery training or a day off.

That said, there is a balance to be struck. Sometimes, it is ok to build fatigue in a planned way. The key is knowing when to back off the intensity to let the body adapt. I know all this - and have done for years! But the Whoop experience provides data driven guidance in real time. For example, I was not recovered when scheduled to race on Zwift (Whoop recovery n the red at 22%). Racing on Zwift is brutally hard and there is now way of having an easy race. So I backed off and rode an easier Group ride. I will have to pick my max intensity days wisely!

I have limited data at the moment but come the end of Jan i will have a true baseline. The Whoop data for me at the moment is still interesting. I have a high HRV when fully recovered - but too early to know what my 'normal' HRV actually is as my reading is up and down, which is to be expected with various strains each day due to training.

Below are some data screen grabs from the Whoop website. I really hope I can make fitness gains - or at least maximize fitness for my age and capability!

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