Today is 16 Oct 22. Time to review the purpose of this Blog - again! It is 2 years since the last review. 🤕 2022 was shaping up well and I was on track for a decent middle distance Duathlon race. Then COVID hit me! I tried to salvage the race season but never felt strong or healthy. Looking to 2023 now and focussing on being healthy and some sprint Duathlon racing mixed with some bike TT fun on the Canyon CF

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Monday 10 March 2014

Dambuster Race Report

First race of the season complete. The goal for this race was to stay controlled, especially on the run elements. So how did it go? The first 10k was the key part for me. I had to stay at 80% max effort. I think I did that but the problem is that although 80% effort in a race feels 80%, the fact is that races are different from training. Hence that was the hardest sustained run I have done in a long while. I was holding back but the legs kind of found it unfamiliar pace. That said I felt strong on the second 5k as we headed back towards the dam a and I picked a few runners off who were weakening. I simply do not have the speed to match my 37 min from last year. And so I shouldn't as my training has been heard to long distance. But this sustained effort will help my running. I think I was around 10th place in my wave as I counted into T1, so not that shabby. And 38:30 is better than expected.
On to the bike and the legs were their normal shabby lumps of meat after the run. Biking after the 10k run in triathlon is so much harder than the triathlon swim! I knew it would take a while to find my bike legs but it was the swirling wind that concerned me. My 90mm front wheel was taking a battering and I thought that I would come off a couple of times on the fast descents. I can't say that I like the fast descents at Rutland and I lost time by whimping out and braking. Add to that the heavy vehicle traffic and catching competitors from previous waves and I knew the bike leg was not going to be a fast ride. But I continued to feel strong and a 1:09:20 bike split is sort of standard for me for this course in a duathlon. The second run was ok. Running 18:23 for an accurate 5k off the bike is acceptable considering my lack of speed. Overall I am happy and a second place finish in my Age Group qualifies me for the GB Age Group Team at the 2015 ETU Du Champs. Venue is TBD but I want to race this event. Today the legs are not too bad. So goal achieved and I can train productively this week following the race! Next event is Clumber Duathlon. This is a sprint race and the designated RAF Champs. So this is purely for training gain and enjoyment! I do not expect a great result and I will not ease down for this either. The aim is to gain some form to maybe make a bshowing near the podium at the National Du Champs on 13 April. Onwards and upwards

1 comment:

Unknown said...

nice one mate - great result for a training race!