It’s amazing how the body can take continual increasing volume when training. I have never achieved such training volume consistently. Throw in some intensity every now and then and things should work out well – providing I don’t cross the thin line of good form and over training! By the way, the evening 10 mile TT worked out ok last Wednesday and I was no slower than previous attempts this year on that course at 23:39 by my watch. Against an absolute course PB of 22:52, I can’t complain as I had bagged 60 miles and a swim that day anyway!

Pacing for Ironman really interests me. What do you do and or how do you do it? My weekend big bike/run session has formed the basis of my distance training. Prior to the Cowman, I had kept the run down to 12 miles off a 3 hour bike done at race pace. Now that the Cowman is done, I have kept the bike at 3 hours (on the turbo for the last 2 weeks) but increased the run mileage off the bike. Last weekend I did 16 miles off the bike and experimented with pacing as starting very slow and then increasing the pace. The result of that run told me that I could start off too slowly! I can hear you all saying ‘that is what you should do!’. I finished that run with a 7:57 per mile average. I suppose that would bring a decent marathon time but I had to significantly increase the pace after 8 miles to achieve that average.
This weekend I increased the run off the bike to 20 miles and aimed for a constant 7:45 average. If I could do this for 20 miles and not be in pieces, then that could be my IM target pace. The run went well and I averaged 7:42 per mile. Sure I was tired, but I could have upped the pace and carried on. With a race this Wednesday, I opted not to do any more! Nutrition went well and I was able to alternate gels and bananas every 25 mins. Also key was plenty of water.
So there we have it; target marathon pace off the bike for the IM is 7:45. My Garmin tells me this would bring me home with a 3:21:54 marathon – Gulp!! When I see that, I wonder if this is a stretch target!! But I have to go for it or bust. Let’s just hope it isn’t bust!
I have the Inter-Services Standard Distance Triathlon Champs on 27 July and Cambridge standard Distance race on 14 August. I won’t be easing down for either of these so let’s just keep the focus and stay healthy!
Sounds like you're in the best shape of your life. Walk the thin line very carefully and if in doubt err on the side of caution.
Good luck buddy.
Wise words from T-Man, it's still 4 weeks until race day, if you need to take a day off do it, it won't effect the outcome of your race one little bit. Don't chase numbers (hours per week, for example) and you'll fly in Almere!
Wise words from Frank too! I will do just that; take a day off 8-)
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