Today is 16 Oct 22. Time to review the purpose of this Blog - again! It is 2 years since the last review. 🤕 2022 was shaping up well and I was on track for a decent middle distance Duathlon race. Then COVID hit me! I tried to salvage the race season but never felt strong or healthy. Looking to 2023 now and focussing on being healthy and some sprint Duathlon racing mixed with some bike TT fun on the Canyon CF

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Wednesday 1 December 2010

Time Warp

Good grief! Where has the time gone? It has been a while since I blogged. I have been so busy, it's unreal. But I am not here to moan and whinge!

What's new in my training/triathlon world? Well, I have been continuing with the swim focus but I have stagnated somewhat after making good progress. This, I suppose is to be expected. I will just keep up the swimming and aim for improved open water swims next year.

This cold snap has really affected my bike commuting and I am starting to miss bike sessions as a result - not good. Recently I have taken to driving in through the snow and ice and setting up my turbo in the car park. It took me 25 minutes to warm up this morning! As for running, I have been getting 2 interval session in a week. One session is on grass and the other is mixed in with a 11.5k run. This is working well and my running is coming on nicely for this time of year.

I have also hit the gym for the first time since the winter of 2008/09. The emphasis is on swim land training and bike/core strength. I do my old favourite of 20 rep squats followed immediately by tabata intervals followed by fast feet run intervals. My legs are getting sore after these sessions now and after a weekend strength session I only really feel ok by Wednesday. This slow recovery is an age thing, which I am fighting off as best I can! How do you fight off aging?! The theory is that strength work will help maintain functional muscle by stimulating the entire muscular system of the body. That is why compound exercises are key. These are exercises that use the big muscles of the body in one motion - Squats, deadlifts etc. But I like to keep some specificity in the routine; hence the tabata and fast feet elements. Will it help? Who knows but it keeps my brain content that I am trying!

Must dash. Train safe!


Cavegirl said...

It's not an age thing really Sags it's to do with pacing yourself!

I'm doing much less but what I do I enjoy, do really well and then recover from. Strongest I've been on 25% of the training.

Setting up the turbo in the car park ... read that through again, and then again ... think about it!

Good to see you blogging again though :-)

Turbo Man said...

You drive through the snow and ice and set your turbo up in the car park? Are you mad? get inside where it's warm and do it.

There was an item on BBC News yesterday about how the number of heart attacks increases when the weather is very cold, as the drop in temperature causes the blood to thicken. Even moderate exercise can over stress the heart and cause a heart attack. It's really not worth it mate. Get indoors.