This week I have been completing my 3rd house move since Jan 31st. It is only across the road but the key point is that we are moving using our own steam – no removal men. So, it’s just me and Julie, apart from my brother in law who assisted with the big heavy stuff yesterday. I have had a day off work to complete the ‘heavy move’ items, but apart from that it is business as usual at work and move jobs in the evening. With the Beaver tri last weekend leaving me somewhat fatigued, I can honestly say that I am absolutely spent now. So tired today. I will be very glad when all this moving stuff is over.
I have a 25 mile TT entry in for Sunday but I may not make it out of bed! I am telling myself that all will be ok for the Vit in September, but in reality I am not happy with all the interruption and fatigue. My legs are still shot from the run last Saturday and the pic below reminds me that I can still run! This was taken at the Beaver and I think I am smiling! The next pic shows the dreadful rain that dumped on us during the bike leg. A wet day! (Draft Pics from Phil O'Conner Photography)I hope the guys racing at Weymouth cope with the other extreme ok this weekend – hot and dry! Race well. I will rest well!
Moving house again? Why?
You will need as much rest as you can get as I found moving house really took it out of me and I had no energy at all for training. You, however, are now an old hand at it!
Hope it all goes well buddy.
My thoughts, why again!?!
Rest buddy, like take a week off, and I mean actually off, just do lots of dog walking and nothing else, certainly don't do the 25 on Sunday. Then this time next week you will be feeling awesome, I promise.
this move is on the same estate at Wyton. Probs with DHE meant we had to take a less than ideal house and then move under our own steam. Tired now and utterly fed up with the upheaval. Roll on holiday in French Alps . . . Mmmmm
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