Today is 16 Oct 22. Time to review the purpose of this Blog - again! It is 2 years since the last review. 🤕 2022 was shaping up well and I was on track for a decent middle distance Duathlon race. Then COVID hit me! I tried to salvage the race season but never felt strong or healthy. Looking to 2023 now and focussing on being healthy and some sprint Duathlon racing mixed with some bike TT fun on the Canyon CF

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Monday 28 February 2022

Canyon Speedmax CF7

😎 Did I mention the Canyon Speedmax?  Probably! I managed to get a gizmo to convert my Wahoo Kickr Smart Trainer to be 12 speed SRAM compatible. So I have been tweaking the position on the turbo. But the weather has not been great and I have been reluctant to take it out for a real spin.  However, last weekend the weather was dry and sunny, if a but chilly and blustery. So I ventured out for a Canyon Speedmax shakedown ride. Wow! This bike is so smooth and just wants to go fast. The AXS Etap system is so usable and a real game changer. 

The big thing to take away from this first outing is the fact hat the bike is twicthy in the wind. . . .?  o is it that I simply lack real life bike riding? I suspect the truth is a combination of the two. But the Speedmax has deep rim carbon wheels and once on the aero bars it is a whole different feel to what I recall from the Specialized Transition. Basically, I need to get out and ride the Speedmax. I am drsfting quite a list of possible events (TTs and Duathlons) and I need to be confident at speed.

As you can see there is a nifty rear bottle cage specific to the Speedmax. I have spares housed in it for these pics but there is an even more internal spares holder accessible under the integral bento box. So I will use the rear cage for long distance. I have also got a Prime Aero Bottle now fitted:

Many aero bottles get a bad rap for falling out when riding but this one gets decent reviews. I can conform that the bottle seems very firm in the cage. Potentially, the first race will be a TT on 10 Apr 22. Not that far away!

So what of my running? Well I am progressing with the volume nicely but I still have that pesky glute-hamstring insert niggle. I believe that my riding style when racing in Zwift contributed to this niggle. The out of saddle low cadence riding in particular is the culpret I think. I really feel like I am at a turning point right now. For nearly 2 years the World of Zwift has had me cycling alot. . . .hard and intense most of the time. I may be a bit burnt out. Recovery seems slower than usual. . . .Yes, that slow. And my Watts are getting more difficult to find! Zwift racing has dictated my training and racing for 2 years. Time to switch things around and make Zwift work as a tool for my Duathlon goals. So it is a solid month of Z2 cycling and some S&C to get me back on track. I will try and factor in one run interval session a week to tease the speed into the running. Then mid to end of April I will reassess to see what I can do to prep for the Middle Distance Duathlon at Cholomondely (10k/62k/10k). Under the fatigue I think I am in decent shape. I just need to maximise this condition and not drill myself to destruction and under perform.

Nuff said

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