I must admit, this new job has derailed the training somewhat. I feel like I have lost some consistency and seem to be permanently tired. I need to find a routine that can incorporate sleep, training and travelling - not easy. Anyway, last Wednesday I ventured out to the Castle Coombe motor racing circuit to participate in round 1 of the DB Max 10 mile TT series. The weather was good and, coupled with traffic free riding and the smooth surface, it looked a great option. I warmed up well to try and loosen the achy legs off. Starting off, I actually felt good but I dialled the power back to try and pace the distance. AS I progressed I felt that I had hit the right intensity but the power reading was dropping and settled at an average of 247W. I finished in 24:04. Better than I was expecting but streets away from my PB of 21:23. I think the days of PBs are long gone!

As I write this, I am eating breakfast prior to venturing out to meet Jase Walkley for the Mid Shropshire 25 Mile TT. This is going to hurt!