Well it’s the start of a new year. Looking back, 2011 was probably my most successful triathlon racing season. I often think that some Blog entries are very self-indulgent. I believe that this entry is one such blurb! But what the heck! It's been over 4 years of Blogging for me and the record will be cool to read when I am 70+!!

The year started with some niggling injuries caused by swim kicking drills – I knew that swimming was bad for you! These injuries threatened to scupper the early season duathlons that I had planned. Miraculously, the injuries eased up and I managed to race> Not quite sure why, but I ended up running quite well off the bike. This brought age group wins at the Dambuster and Cambridge Duathlons. Cambridge Duathlon had to be one of the most enjoyable races that I have completed because I managed to control my race. This rarely happens! Normally, it is full on from the start, as you are never quite sure where you are in the field. At Cambridge, I was first runner into T1 from my start wave. This gave me the chance to monitor the bike leg and I ended up sitting back off a guy that caught me after the first bike lap. Once into T2his legs were toast and I matched my first run split to win. I even managed to win the Inter-Services Duathlon Vets race.

After the duathlon races my main goal was the National Middle Distance Triathlon Champs, which was to be held at Emberton Park at the Cowman (1.9k/92k/21.1k). This was my first attempt at the Cowman but I had been told that it was a good event. Indeed it was! The sun shone and I put together a decent set of splits to win the National Champs in my age group – very happy with that race. Interestingly, it was the run that brought the result. I entered T2 in 3rd place in my age group and only caught the other 2 guys on the final run lap of 4 to clock a Triathlon best half marathon of 1:25:03.
I recovered quite quickly for me! The next big aim was the Inter-Services Triathlon Champs (Standard Distance) on 27 July 11 at Belvoir Castle. Although I had a naff swim, I had a decent bike/run combo. That was enough for me to win the Inter-Services Vets Champs for the first time. Again, very happy with that race. At nearly 47, I thought that my chances of winning the Int Services Vets race was long gone!
Next, it was full bore for the Almere ironman Distance race in Holland. To be honest, I totally over did the training after the Cowman. I was going well, and I knew it. Trouble is, when you are going so well, you feel invincible. Inevitably, the injury monster got me. 6 weeks prior to the Holland race I picked up a nasty leg injury. I trained when I could and told myself that I had the training in the bag. However, it all went horribly wrong! The days leading up the race were a huge mess of stress and lack of sleep. Add the injury to the mix, and buckets of Brufen, you can see that the race was going to crumble. And crumble it did!
The weather was terrible, with wind, rain and low temperatures. I exited the swim in 1:12, after being bashed around in a big way. To be honest, I was surprised it was that fast! I had aimed at 1:05. Onto the bike and I concentrated on a steady pace. But I struggled to get warm and the first lap of 3 did not feel good. The sun came out very briefly on the second lap and I started to feel slightly better. I even started to enjoy the course. That said, there were far too many narrow bike paths with 90 degree turns. These really seemed to sap the overall speed. The wind then started to increase, in a big way. The 3rd and last lap was a struggle but I was happy enough with a 5:20 split. Feeding had gone ok. My main problem was the leg injury was hurting. This was a running injury and if I had pain on the bike then it was a very bad sign. Into T2 and I was dismayed to see that my Garmin had gone out of my transition. I figured that the organisors had picked it up for safe keeps (as it turned out, that had not and some chav had stolen it). Not that a Garmin would have helped. I was in a bad way and I knew that the run was going to be a pain-fest. The injury had me limping from the off. Energy was ok but the limping run soon caused all sorts of pains in both my legs. I just got slower and slower. The weather got colder and colder. I was very miserable! A 4:54 marathon brought me home to finish in 11:38ish. I had finished my first Ironman – probably my last Ironman!
Despite the bad experience in Holland, the season as a whole was good. I can hang on to my National Champs win and know that the half ironman distance is good for me. I also hit a bike TT best for 50 miles of 1:59:23. Sub-2 hours had been a long time goal for me, so happy with that.
Right now, my thoughts are heading towards specializing in duathlon. I have a deployment to Afghanistan for the period April – Aug this year. That just about wipes out a triathlon season for 2012. I move up to the 50 – 54 age group for the 2014 season. Hence if I can spend the next 2 years focussing on running and cycling, my goal is to attempt a podium finish at the 2014 World Duathlon Champs. If I can, at the very least, not get any slower at 10k run and 40k bike I could be in with a shot. The aim will be, at 50 years old, to be in run shape for a 35 min 10k and bike shape for 57 min 40k.
So is it goodbye triathlon? Er, nope! Do be serious! maybe I can focus on a triathlon podium when I move up to the 55 - 59 age group!