Well, after my last positive post, where I was looking forward to racing after feeling stronger and ready to race, the entire World seems to have been turned upside down with this Corona Virus - or COVID-19, to be technical. All events have been cancelled for at least the next 6 weeks, with some events cancelled until at least Aug 20. So I have had to rethink everything. Well, I have still got the London Duathlon as a main goal as his is scheduled for 6 Sep 20. I really hope we are back to normal by then!
I am still feeling confident and training well. I am a bit annoyed to be losing the regular Wed Track Sessions. I will have to find an alternative session with similar intensity. As far as biking goes I have finally given in to the surge of interest in smart turbo trainers and purchased a brand new Elite Direto Smart Trainer and hooked up to Zwift. This is a major step for me.

First impressions? Awesome! I am very pleased with this bit of kit. The feel of the ride is so much better than a tyre to roller set up. The direct drive is the way forward. And I am getting used to using Zwift. It isn't that intuitive but with some tips from buddies and GCN I am getting there and really enjoying the rides. This morning I linked up with Jase Walkley and we completed a session together even though we were both at our homes in respective garages. Great fun and the time flew by. Yesterday I completed a Group Ride which was meant to be a recovery session for me. I ended up riding way too hard but enjoyed it nevertheless. Even after a few days I can see the benefit of using Zwift. Maybe I can hold back the age related performance decline a bit longer by using this platform!

As for running, I am feeling ok. I ave had some decent sessions and have been consistent for sure. Now the aim is long-term for September; so I need to build back with some strength work. More Kettlebell and sandbag sessions, mixed with tempo and speed work periodically. Then build the distance starting around June I reckon.
Onwards and upwards