Well, I finally competed in a triathlon. This event was the first Tri race since er . . . Can’t remember. As my last post described, I hadn’t been too happy with progress and I was not expecting great things. Expectations met; I was not going to set the pace in this race. A very disturbed night’s sleep hadn’t helped but that is another story.
I started the swim nice and steady and actually enjoyed it. My wall to wall time of 6:36 was not a disaster, though a guy cruised last me like I was drowning. I can accept that I’m not a great swimmer and I know that I can knock 30 sec off my time with some more pool time.

Transition was a nightmare due to the stones on the concrete. I’ve just got princess feet and cannot do the barefooted run thing without much pain. Oh well. I’m used to this!
The bike was still enjoyable but I just couldn’t put the hammer down and find the speed I think I should, especially on the small rises. Into transition and yet more pain due to stones. Once in the run I felt ok but just couldn’t raise the pace. I just felt flat. I could have continued at that pace but going faster over the last mile was not going to happen. Iverall, I was around 20th I think. And 3rd in AG. Not a disaster but I am focused for better things from now. Some structured build sessions between now and 25 June when I go to Annecy π